I found a Simplicity 3212H with an engine with "Low compression about 20 psi", the engine is on the floor of a shop right now. I am told there is a Snow blower, mowing deck and a tiller that go with it. However I have not seen the attachments.
I am new to these tractors, but the tractor seems to be in good shape, I.E. it still has most of the paint on the sheet metal. The decals seem to be there. I did not check mechanics.
Any input such as value and what to look for mechanically would be appreciated.
Together we can do anything.. The impossible just takes longer!
I really like that model tractor. They take work, but as far as I am concerned... it's worth it. Priority one, look at the BGB, look at the transmission wear, steering. Change those fluids if you get that tractor. Make sure the shaft on the BGB has no left/right slop and/or adjust it out.