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T O P I C    R E V I E W
andykinney Posted - 12/20/2011 : 00:05:29
I just purchased a real nice 42" snowblower for a 3212 and want to mount it on my 3415H. I understand it requires a different hitch and had one located but it got sold. Can anybody help me out with a hitch? I posted in parts wanted, but with snow around the corner I would like to be better prepared.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
andykinney Posted - 12/20/2011 : 20:15:29
Great info! I already have the front pto all set up. The pulley issue is important as I come from the HVAC business and understand dealing with belts, Hp, pulleys and sheaves. Changing out the driven pulley is an option and I don't have any problem tackling that project. Are they still available?
I believe in quality belts and accessories since you always get what you pay for.
Now I just need to come up with the hitch!
Thanks guys.
Cvans Posted - 12/20/2011 : 10:09:14
Go with what Larry says. He has both the experience and knowledge to know what he is talking about. And I agree with him 100% on using the correct belt. Nothing worse than freezing your fingers fighting a bad belt in the snow and cold.
larry8200 Posted - 12/20/2011 : 07:51:28
In addition to the hitch you need the front mechanical PTO on the 3415H. And the PTO pulley on a 3212 is smaller, and so is the drive pulley on the snowblower. The pulley will work but it will spin the blower faster than designed, and the Simplicity belt will be too long. On tractors greater than 12hp I have found that only the Simplicity belt holds up. my 3416H pulls gates power rated, kevlar and other belts apart at thier join the first time it loads them, while the OEM belt usually lasts till its well worn and frayed. I'm not kidding, I have been blowing snow with this setup since 1976.

Sent you an email.

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