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 ground crew for this winter.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tclark Posted - 11/22/2011 : 18:00:59
this is my cleanup crew this winter. i have to get a belt and make a lift rod for the blower but the wd is all ready except for the chains they are somewhere in the shed. i also have a 27" walk-behind snow cheif snowblower

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tclark Posted - 11/24/2011 : 11:45:51
yes it is good eye even from behind the 916
ducky Posted - 11/23/2011 : 10:27:38
Is that a 3 point hitch on the WD?
Cvans Posted - 11/22/2011 : 20:00:05
The engine had been replaced with a Kohler 18hp magnum. Uses a very little oil and seems to always start in South Dakota
Need to get the oil and filters changed especially on the hydro. It is starting to slow down and I thought I had changed it. NOT!

Tclark Posted - 11/22/2011 : 19:18:47
thanks for the pics chris. now just to biuld it. what motor do you have in that one is it the 17 hp kohler? kinda looks like my onan
B-16_IC Posted - 11/22/2011 : 19:13:05
I'd say you are just about ready! Be sure to stock up on hot chocolate supplys to get a little warm in the belly before heading into the cold. Should be pretty toasty though behind the heathouser on the the WD.
Cvans Posted - 11/22/2011 : 18:54:37
Hi Tyler. Good looking crew!
I have some photos for you
I actually made this lift rod from one I had off of another simplicity tractor. It is set at 29.5 inches from hole to hole on center.
Both filters get changed tomorrow.

larry8200 Posted - 11/22/2011 : 18:33:20
Yup, that will work!
K1dan Posted - 11/22/2011 : 18:22:59
If that doesn't get it done. It's time to move South.

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