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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 16:32:19
Thats when you just HAVE TO HAVE IT??? Am I sick? Probably, and maybe contagious too.. I know people with cabin cruisers who between mooring, fuel, and winter storage spend twice a year what I've spent in the last year on my collection. So who's sick? LOL

So anyway, I just HAD TO HAVE this parts manual, covers everything from the wonderboy 305 to the Sovereign 7000, and walkers, walk behind mowers Sno-aways, rototillers... as well as every attachment made through the late 70's. WOW

Please note the loose manuals in this next picture, what makes this so much FUN, of course, is that the machines they go to came with them!

They have sat in a barn for 10 years untouched. In going over them everything is nice and tight and feels just like it should, Steering is as tightr as I've seen, BGB, engine, transmission, pto all nice, mower deck seems ready to roll, blades are sort of even sharp. Only thing missing is the pto belt and pto to mower belt. even all four original hood knobs are there, as well as the plastic cover on the front pto. Although the seats have had it, they just look weathered, not worn, and the steering wheels and pedals dont look worn either.

I'm pretty certain if I auctioned off the manual on eBay, I would break even, even after thier fee's.

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 05/05/2011 : 00:43:34
Dave, are you sure that email address is right? I can't get it to work.
B10Dave Posted - 05/04/2011 : 23:31:20
HONEST LARRY'S TRACTOR EMPORIUM. Everything you could ask for in Orange or Yellow. Parts, pieces, whole tractors, implements and literature. Try your offer. We are easy to deal with. Rhubarb pie and Canadian whiskey will grease the wheels. Call 555-234-xxxx or visit honestlarry@bargains.com.
B-16_IC Posted - 05/03/2011 : 23:24:36
Be glad you don't live closer, I might have to come over and slap you! I'm still working on two year old deals that will never come to pass!
larry8200 Posted - 05/03/2011 : 21:55:49
Originally posted by LordByron444

I said this before...
Jack the trailer up about 7', box it in and park those tractors under it!!

That trailer is sitting on a 2 x 4 wall and permenantly attached to a concrete foundation.
ByronC Posted - 05/03/2011 : 21:42:34
I said this before...
Jack the trailer up about 7', box it in and park those tractors under it!!
acdad Posted - 05/03/2011 : 06:50:10
Looks like that barn needs to be a tad bigger now!
larry8200 Posted - 05/02/2011 : 22:51:15
Man I'll tell you, I watched my BIG TEN on CL with all it's accessorie's and attachments and blown head gasket for over a month at $500 on VT CL, and then weeks at $400, and I finally couldn't stand it. The sickle bar's worth most of that. And now it's one of my most faithfull workers and I wont even sell any of the extra's I'm not using. I've been finding nice old large frames with 2-3 attachments for less than $300. As long as I can afford it, I guess I will.
freddie Posted - 05/02/2011 : 22:40:20
nice. thats all i have to say
oldron Posted - 05/02/2011 : 22:34:35
A little light reading?
B10Dave Posted - 05/02/2011 : 22:31:09
Another nice find Larry. Your end of the country seems to be overrun with Simplicitys trying to make a new home at your place. LOL. Dave.

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