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1014211 Posted - 04/30/2011 : 18:54:16
Still way too wet but I was mowing 2-3 inches so I couldn't wait any longer. I tell ya though, one pass with that deep deck was all it took and it still comes out looking great.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B-16_IC Posted - 04/30/2011 : 23:02:49
It is amazing how these things can throw grass! I have mowed with several brands before, but since mowing with a Simplicity design, I'd rather let it grow tall than mow with any other! That's some fine looking greens there!
Cvans Posted - 04/30/2011 : 20:46:18
You have to just love the way the lawn looks after mowing with one of these machines. Actually looked at putting a Simplicity deck under my Kubota but it looks like a lot of work. Turned out it was easier to just repair the original. My wife always commented on how good the lawn looked after mowing with the Sovereign. Now it is blowing snow and tilling gardens. Those yard photos are beautiful.

1014211 Posted - 04/30/2011 : 20:05:29
I forgot to mention it amazes me the amount of grass these decks can move. My Simplicity 4211 had a nice deck, but probably half the depth of the Sovereign deck. In grass like i mowed today I would have been forced to cut high and then regular at even a slower speed than the 7016 was able to go and only make one pass. I mowed in low 3rd and it was just a constant stream of grass. And even though water sprayed at times I looked under the deck and no buildup. Remarkable. After i mow my dads tomorrow I'll take the deck off anyway and clean it, but these really are great mowing machines along with their other talents.
larry8200 Posted - 04/30/2011 : 19:08:54

Still way to wet here too, and the grass hasn't started to grow yet. So I decided to go back in time to July 2010.

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