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larry8200 Posted - 04/27/2011 : 21:13:37
I answered a Cl add for 2 snowblowers for $50 each, and after making a deal for them learned seller is an old Simplicity fan, and also had a pair of hydrolift 2210's and a bunch of attachments he was keeping, but had a 725 he was thinking of parting with. We spent a couple days bantering amd exchanging pictures of our machines and he decided I could have it for $200 if I wanted it. he threw in a plow and disc cultivator for a walker also

He said it's sat for several years, and that he'd cleaned out the gas tank, changed the oil, etc. when he put it up, and offered to have it running when I picked it up. I declined saying I'd prefer to check it out if it's sat that long before starting it. He must have had a laugh at that, after looking at it I'm convinced the worst it will take to run is cleaning the points. The BGB and steering are tight, it shifts nice and smooth. The paint muffler and grill aren't original, but I think the rest is, including a seat without a tear. I have no idea how he cleaned out the tank, he wouldn't say....

Well, here it is.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B10Dave Posted - 04/28/2011 : 22:23:21
Nice 725 Larry. Wish you could have pried the tank cleaning secret out of him. Dave
skunkhome Posted - 04/28/2011 : 21:24:34
Originally posted by larry8200

Larry, you need to get someone to measure the holes in their screen. I recall they were between 1/4-3/8" wide .

Hey Phill, Do you know if the B1 used the same material? Hey! Did you finally make a deal for that B1? Hope it works out.

Larry, I have been conversing with Bill William and he says he get his B1 grills from www.Normstoys.com. Norm's in northern indiana makes a grill for the early B10/B1 (same mesh). He makes it long enough to fit the B10 complete with hole for PTO shaft but it can be easily cut down to fit the 725 or B-1.

The deal for the B1 in Texas is dead. They (he) agreed to sell but could not get hold of the decision maker to get his personal blessing and could not get him to call back. from the conversations with the son I get the impression the the old man did not want to sell at any price but the DIL was pushing the sale because IT and a bunch of other "junk" is "stored" to rust away on the property line between their two properties. Strange bunch of folks.
B112 Posted - 04/28/2011 : 20:25:31
Larry you are going to clean out the area. I am getting scared!
acdad Posted - 04/28/2011 : 20:00:48
Nice machine Larry! You really need to play the lottery. It seems like these tractors keep falling in your lap!
larry8200 Posted - 04/28/2011 : 12:39:53
Originally posted by skunkhome

This is not the site but "hk11" is the pattern I recall from 40 plus years ago.

Someone please jump in here and correct if my recollection is faulty.

Larry, you need to get someone to measure the holes in their screen. I recall they were between 1/4-3/8" wide .

Hey Phill, Do you know if the B1 used the same material? Hey! Did you finally make a deal for that B1? Hope it works out.
skunkhome Posted - 04/28/2011 : 08:57:53
This is not the site but "hk11" is the pattern I recall from 40 plus years ago.

Someone please jump in here and correct if my recollection is faulty.

Larry, you need to get someone to measure the holes in their screen. I recall they were between 1/4-3/8" wide .
larry8200 Posted - 04/28/2011 : 08:54:22
Originally posted by skunkhome

Larry, those look like original foot rests! You description sounds like them. They are great ankle busters. I used to have a link to a site that had expanded aluminum sheet that looked like a perfect match for the old grill material.

I downloaded the 725 manual from Chris's link above, (Thanks Chris) and the foot rests are indeed original. Ankle buster indeed!! I think Wes (ACB10_64) used expanded aluminum too build a new grill for his loader B-10, and I'm sure he'll share. I have also gotten expanded and perforated 2' x 2' sheets in the past from McMaster-Carr, and they had special flat boxes to ship UPS.
skunkhome Posted - 04/28/2011 : 08:38:00
Larry, those look like original foot rests! You description sounds like them. They are great ankle busters. I used to have a link to a site that had expanded aluminum sheet that looked like a perfect match for the old grill material.
cschmidt62 Posted - 04/28/2011 : 08:16:36
Nice looking 725 Larry, the foot rest are origional. They are the same as the ones on my B1. I would love to have the origional disc.
1014211 Posted - 04/28/2011 : 06:52:24
Right on Larry, I pulled about 1000lbs of sand with my 6hp Yeoman and my buddies brand new 24hp Wheelhorse is rated at towing max 250lbs. He has cupholders though

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larry8200 Posted - 04/28/2011 : 03:08:43
Thank you Phil, I knew I was doing something wrong with the hood. So far I haven't been able to find any good pictures except scanned sales brochures. It would be neat to find an original bracket and single head light that goes in the center of the hood, and I dont have the original grill or footrests either. The footresta are 1" x 1/4" about 8" long with two wholes through them, and the grill is a piece of window screen.

I know the HP ratings on these early machines is deceptive, and I cant help wondering how they would be rated today. I see CL adds for people lookingt for used GT's, and they think they need at least 20-22 HP. I get a chuckle out of that.

skunkhome Posted - 04/27/2011 : 22:18:43
looks good, BTW the hood is not closed properly... the heavy dash goes outside the lip at the back of the hood and the bar at the top goes over the top edge of the dash (The top of the dash goes between the bar and the sheet metal of the hood) . Once they are in position the hood should snap down in the front with a little pressure and then lock down over center (like a pair of visegrips) . To adjust the tension on the hood you loosen the 5 cap screws at the base of the grill section and rock it back and forth slightly to adjust the distance between the grill and the dash. With a little trial and error you can get the clearance just perfect where the hood will be tight enough to prevent rattle. I have only seen 2-3 B-1's and 725 in recent years and not a one of them had the hood closed down properly. Larry, you are going to love that little tractor as you will be astounded at what 7.25 HP can do. The little tractor truly earns the name Simplicity.
acb10_64 Posted - 04/27/2011 : 22:05:55
Very nice Larry. Just send that down to me now ya hear?
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/27/2011 : 22:03:59
I love it Larry!
bud119195 Posted - 04/27/2011 : 21:24:29
Nice Whn I got mine someone painted it red also. Currently its tore apart and getting painted

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