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 looking for the manual 3112h

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crazed46 Posted - 09/27/2009 : 21:41:36
cant seem to get the manual off this site does any one have a copy they could post? thanks in advance.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 09/28/2009 : 20:55:44
Originally posted by crazed46

thanks guys for your help i was able to download it from the link and the model number thanks again.I just bought two of these tractors off of craigslist with a bottom plow 2doser blades 2 snowblowers a mowing deck a rototiller and a both have hydrolifts and also a spare vickers hydro rearend woth tires and a box of stuff i have yest to go through.I bought and paid for it sat. picking it all up tommorrow night. and the best part al for 200.00 bucks and less then 2 hours away

I think I hate you Ryan Its just not fair
B112 Posted - 09/28/2009 : 20:48:01
Originally posted by crazed46

thanks guys for your help i was able to download it from the link and the model number thanks again.I just bought two of these tractors off of craigslist with a bottom plow 2doser blades 2 snowblowers a mowing deck a rototiller and a both have hydrolifts and also a spare vickers hydro rearend woth tires and a box of stuff i have yest to go through.I bought and paid for it sat. picking it all up tommorrow night. and the best part al for 200.00 bucks and less then 2 hours away

Awesome Deal!
B112 Posted - 09/28/2009 : 20:47:23
Originally posted by skunkhome

Originally posted by B112

Use that link and put in 990499 or 990500 as the manufactures number / model number.

Michael, that is wierd as I linked it directly to the PDF and tested it to see if it would work. Briggs must be doing something to prevent direct links. I just checked and none of my links that I bookmarked work on any of the Simplicity manuals.

Yes, they've changed all their links. I'll be updating the information pages this coming winter.
crazed46 Posted - 09/28/2009 : 20:35:25
thanks guys for your help i was able to download it from the link and the model number thanks again.I just bought two of these tractors off of craigslist with a bottom plow 2doser blades 2 snowblowers a mowing deck a rototiller and a both have hydrolifts and also a spare vickers hydro rearend woth tires and a box of stuff i have yest to go through.I bought and paid for it sat. picking it all up tommorrow night. and the best part al for 200.00 bucks and less then 2 hours away
skunkhome Posted - 09/28/2009 : 09:05:51
Originally posted by B112

Use that link and put in 990499 or 990500 as the manufactures number / model number.

Michael, that is wierd as I linked it directly to the PDF and tested it to see if it would work. Briggs must be doing something to prevent direct links. I just checked and none of my links that I bookmarked work on any of the Simplicity manuals.
B112 Posted - 09/28/2009 : 09:02:28
Use that link and put in 990499 or 990500 as the manufactures number / model number.
skunkhome Posted - 09/27/2009 : 23:54:41
try this

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