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 Powermax/AC 720 Hybrid

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GarryVH Posted - 07/31/2009 : 21:33:12
Here are some photos of my 720.

I restored this almost 20 years ago - back then, as far as I knew, only original Simplicity decals were available, which is why it does not have AC decals. I have not run this machine since 2002, when I rebuilt the mower deck quills. I hope to get the machine running again this weekend.

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terdybukrat Posted - 08/29/2009 : 09:47:55
I know purists may think less of me for this, but if mine looked that good and I liked the color, then I couldn't care less about what anybody else thought. Now, if they were offering their money and time to make the change...?
I guess I've always felt that image is nothing. I'd put her back together and plant my big 'ole butt in the seat as often as possible and call it "therapy"!
GarryVH Posted - 08/28/2009 : 16:13:02

I have always liked the Simplicity orange - I suppose I could just do a decal "switch-a-roo" and leave it at that...

ByronC Posted - 08/26/2009 : 20:48:37
I like the darker Orange... Just have some 190XT Allis-Chalmers decals made and be different!!!! :)

GarryVH Posted - 08/19/2009 : 11:28:10

Compliments appreciated, thanks.


While the paint may still look good, the colors are wrong for an AC 720.

Thanks for the comments.

AC716H Posted - 08/17/2009 : 19:21:45
The paint looks pretty good to me... can you just remove the Simp stickers and install AC ones?
B112 Posted - 08/16/2009 : 21:00:42
Garry - definitely a nice Job. Thanks for sharing.
GarryVH Posted - 08/16/2009 : 18:43:50

I appreciate the comments.

I also ackowledge that although it looks good, the color is wrong and so are the decals. Twenty years ago, I did the best I could with what I knew at the time and what was available then - especially regarding decals.

I now have the CCKB engine out of the machine, becuase of a starter problem. I determined this weekend that the probable cause is a loose solenoid. This happened once before, about 15 years ago. I used blue Loctite then, will use red this time.

Once I get the engine back in the machine and get it running again, I will decide if I want to go through the effort and expense to perform a cosmetic restoration so it looks the way it did when manufactured (like a 720). What scares me is that once I tear the machine apart, there will be a great temptation to do more than a cosmetic restoration.


hoppy Posted - 08/15/2009 : 20:22:27
that tractor looks new! nice!!
oldron Posted - 08/14/2009 : 11:00:49
Nice job!
RBE17 Posted - 08/14/2009 : 10:28:43
Nice restoration. I like the penetrant on the inside of the deck.
B-16_IC Posted - 07/31/2009 : 22:40:34
That sure is a pretty tractor! I like the shot of the deck with the stickers still on the rollers, makes it look NOS.
skunkhome Posted - 07/31/2009 : 21:56:58
those decals look like they are for a Large frame 7000 series but they look pretty decent on the bigger tractor as well. Funny how the decals make the hood look shorter to me.

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