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 Anybody know anything about these?

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terdybukrat Posted - 04/14/2009 : 19:07:29
I came across these today. Unsure what they go to. The only identification I can find is a serial number on one, and the words "Planet Jr" on 2 of the blades

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
oldron Posted - 04/17/2009 : 22:25:25
They have you on the wall too?Come to Montana where everyone is wanted.
terdybukrat Posted - 04/17/2009 : 20:04:16
I guess I need to do a little investigating-both into the Planet Jr demand and checking the implements closer for other id #'s. Thanks, guys. I did find a Yahoo group on Planet Jr, but I've had a request to join that has been pending for a number of days. I guess that dang picture on the Post Office wall is finally catchin' up to me...lol
olcowhand Posted - 04/16/2009 : 13:31:25
There is MUCH demand for Planet Jr stuff over in Europe. Hear they're willing to pay good money & no problem on shipping...they pay.
B-16_IC Posted - 04/16/2009 : 12:30:03
Like Daniel said they may be of value to someone with the right tractor, I'd take a look around E-bay to see if there is any demand. I'm thinking the Planet Jr. stuff might be, but I don't pay much attention to implement prices for tractors I don't have. I've never had one which is suprising considering how much walk-behind stuff I have/had.
olcowhand Posted - 04/16/2009 : 11:44:15
You could adapt to pull by most anything, but some Planet Junior stuff is sought after, so maybe it's worth a few $'s??? But I don't know where to tell you to advertise them if you wanted to. Only reason I say anything is IF these things are hard to find and worth some money. They are yours to do as you wish, and I have altered many things to suit myself.
terdybukrat Posted - 04/16/2009 : 10:05:51
Would they be likely to fit/work on most 2 wheeled units then? I was thinking of converting them to work on a 3 point(at least the plow)
skunkhome Posted - 04/14/2009 : 23:48:29
Dang, Daniel, you are a world of knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.
olcowhand Posted - 04/14/2009 : 20:11:22
Planet Junior made a small 2 wheeled power unit. Pulled the tooling you have there.

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