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cleatusj Posted - 12/28/2008 : 23:07:26
She forced me out of the house the last two days and this is what happened.
Old china 4 wheeler, a Allis trans axle and a 5hp horizontal Briggs. I need to mount a seat, floorboard and throttle to test.
I plan to add a dump bed.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B112 Posted - 01/29/2009 : 22:47:07
Looking good! I see you have two seats, will you eventually change it to a steering wheel and move it to the left/right? I think I see front shocks, but definitely no way to do it in the rear. How fast you got it to go?
cleatusj Posted - 01/29/2009 : 21:46:39
I got the 1 1/4" stake pockets welded on and the .060 alum sheets cut for sides and front. I still need to weld the top 1" runners to the stakes.

Here's a shot showing the actuator.

olcowhand Posted - 01/26/2009 : 09:20:09
Originally posted by skunkhome

Cleatusi, you have a fertile imagination.

That's the special place things go when blown to tiny little bits!
skunkhome Posted - 01/25/2009 : 01:22:27
Cleatusi, you have a fertile imagination.
oldron Posted - 01/24/2009 : 23:04:40
Lookin good cleatusj.
cleatusj Posted - 01/24/2009 : 21:45:22
Have not thought that far.
olcowhand Posted - 01/24/2009 : 20:47:12
Keith, are you sure you have enough tilt for that to dump?
Even the grabbiest stuff is gonna depart from that bed! Looking good!
BTW...figured a name for it yet?
cleatusj Posted - 01/24/2009 : 20:13:53
Ok Guy's, I,ve got a bit more done, but am not sure how I'm going to do the hood and grill. I still need to put brackets on bed for the stake sides plus the dump actuator.

cleatusj Posted - 01/12/2009 : 17:43:10
Stan, I'm still got to fab the fire wall, fenders and wind shield. The dump bed may wait a while.
haykarenhardy Posted - 01/12/2009 : 17:13:51
Now you need to make your dump bed.
skunkhome Posted - 01/11/2009 : 21:49:56
Hey, the wheels got to be happy.... anything has to be more reliable than a Chevette!
cleatusj Posted - 01/11/2009 : 21:14:02
Got a few hours to myself and cut up some 1/8" aluminum and redrilled some Chevett 13" wheels. Here's the results.

haykarenhardy Posted - 01/07/2009 : 17:22:34
"I would think you would need a right angle gear drive to mate vertical to horizontal shafts with carrier bearings."

Thanks for the reply Cletus, anyway you look at it replacing vertical for horizontal in a factory built tractor is a problem. Building a whole mower may be easier than a conversion. One thing you had going for yourself with that mule is room.
Roy Posted - 01/06/2009 : 20:13:27
Nice toy Cletus.

You obviously have too much time on your hands.
cleatusj Posted - 01/06/2009 : 19:33:26
Stan,I would think you would need a right angle gear drive to mate vertical to horizontal shafts with carrier bearings.

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