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Mack Posted - 12/11/2008 : 09:37:05

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GarryVH Posted - 12/12/2008 : 15:36:42

10-4. I 'm not going to worry about the fact that my deck lacks these items, and I won't feel like I am somehow...deprived.

Thank you for the information.

Everybody have a great weekend.
mikefox Posted - 12/12/2008 : 15:18:38
Its purpose is to keep the deck from ejecting dangerous objects. The parts manual calls it a “Stone Guard Assembly”.
It also restricts grass flow; hence, most remove it.
olcowhand Posted - 12/12/2008 : 12:57:42
Gary, I "think" that is more of a "foot" and doesn't work as a baffle. I don't think it runs to the top of inside deck. The left-side discharge deck has this also, but is white, so harder to see.
GarryVH Posted - 12/12/2008 : 12:49:29
I have a question regarding one of the photos in the brochure. The sixth photo down from the top shows the underside of the 60" mower deck for the 720. There is a short black baffle that appears to be about 8" long just upstream of the discharge. My deck does not have that baffle. I was wondering if anyone else has that baffle, and if they do, is there anything about its performance that would warrant me fabricating one? I'm guessing not, but I just want to ask the question.
GarryVH Posted - 12/11/2008 : 12:15:36
Do you have this brochure available as a pdf file?
mikefox Posted - 12/11/2008 : 10:24:15
Thanks for the brochure.

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