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T O P I C    R E V I E W
GarryVH Posted - 12/04/2008 : 06:26:17
I finally got around to uploading a photo of my restored B-10

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Leroy Posted - 05/12/2009 : 19:36:34
Silk screening can make the placard.
The original numbers could be stamped in by hand.
Truth told the badge would be as original the numbers would be accurate.
Painted or etched numbers are possible. Cricut http://www.cricut.com/shopping/ can make vinyl positives and negatives. I'm not an owner but i did see the videos.
It is a cool tool. Etching or stamping the numbers is better than painting them.
ZippoVarga Posted - 12/22/2008 : 22:53:47
Dare I jump in here? Sure...why not.....First the flatter fenders. I'm assuming it's still a three piece seat pan. If the arm rests are missing from the seat then the fenders often become fatigued from owners leaning on them etc. If your tractor has a round hood, similar decals and over all looks to have the same styling then it's either an early B-10 (1964) a BIG TEN (1965) a Bumble B-10 (1966-67) or a Bumble B-12 (1966-67). And as far as the ID tags....There's a guy that sells on eBay who can make you ANYTHING you need. I recently got a complete set from him for two of my 1964 Landlords. Also, Wellsimplement.com has complete decal sets that include the ID tag. Pierce2160 is the eBay decal seller. His name is Corey Foerster and he's awesome and fast!
GarryVH Posted - 12/10/2008 : 12:54:29
Guys - Thanks!
skunkhome Posted - 12/10/2008 : 00:33:48
Since Daniel was unable to help (though he makes great decals) I will tell you that I got the one pictured above from FS Decals, http://stores.ebay.com/FS-Decals-and-Graphics , If you don't see what you need send him an email and he is quite willing to customize to your desires just as he did the fake Allis Chalmers build tag with the Simplicity numbers and my serial number.
olcowhand Posted - 12/09/2008 : 12:33:25
Originally posted by B112

1st Ask Dan (OleCowHand). Let's see if anyone has any ideas also.

Text too small for me to cut. There's a guy I know who can do that with his $20,000.00 vinyl printer, but getting him TO DO it is the problem. I'd have to have about 30 or so done by him at a time for him to consider it. Could the numbers just be the same on all tags?
B112 Posted - 12/09/2008 : 12:22:44
1st Ask Dan (OleCowHand). Let's see if anyone has any ideas also.
GarryVH Posted - 12/09/2008 : 11:57:34
My question is: where does one obtain reproduction build tags?
skunkhome Posted - 12/07/2008 : 21:35:12
Originally posted by simplelife


ID number refers to Simplicity instead of Allis Chalmers?

give the man a cigar! It is obviously a reproduction (fake).
simplelife Posted - 12/07/2008 : 18:57:20
Originally posted by skunkhome

Whats wrong with this build tag?

ID number refers to Simplicity instead of Allis Chalmers?
skunkhome Posted - 12/07/2008 : 14:54:37
Originally posted by GarryVH

Brother-in-law Paul has the build tag - in fact, he had a reproduction made, only I don't have it yet. Once I get it, I'll tell you what's on it, and will share with everyone where to get reproduction tags.


Whats wrong with this build tag?

GarryVH Posted - 12/07/2008 : 09:18:21
The most amazing part is that he did this in a rush...
mikefox Posted - 12/05/2008 : 12:47:04
Paul Hout sure did a great restore on your tractor.
I love the attention to all the details.
4xbill Posted - 12/05/2008 : 07:03:16
Wow, looks great!
skunkhome Posted - 12/04/2008 : 20:12:04
Originally posted by Denny

Through your restoration,, have you any idea of production date ?
Mine is very similar with the exception,, flatter rear fenders, and no arm rests. The build tag behind the seat was never stamped, of just wore smooth.
Great looking !! Hope to have mine lookin that good in the spring. ( can't tear it down now, got the snow blower ready for action )

Denny, pictures would help but it sounds like a B100 or B200 series (B100's 1967-68)(B200's 1969-70).
GarryVH Posted - 12/04/2008 : 18:36:10

Flatter fenders and no arm rests - one of the other more knowledgeable members will have to address this, because it is unfamiliar to me.

Brother-in-law Paul has the build tag - in fact, he had a reproduction made, only I don't have it yet. Once I get it, I'll tell you what's on it, and will share with everyone where to get reproduction tags.


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