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ZippoVarga Posted - 11/27/2008 : 20:45:18
Well....As Michael and a few others will probably mention, it's been a long time since I've posted in here. So long in fact, that there are quite a few more additions to the fleet, along with additional implements and attachments, so I thought I would post some and give credit where credit is due.

First up is the most recent acquisition which came by way of a lead given to me by Ron aka BiggieRat a couple weeks ago. It's a well loved Big Ten that came with a rear stinger, doughnut, 42 inch dozer/plow and a newer 42 inch deck. Can't thank you enough for that lead Ron. I braved the nasty weather and came out victorious at the auction with this...

Then, again I must thank Ron. The next in the list was a trek to Western Indiana to a place where dreams are made of. Ron called me about this find because it didn't involve the tractor styles he prefers to buy. This worked out fantastic for me, as everything this individual had was vintage. I came home VERY satisfied with a 1961-62 Monkey Wards Garden Mark Squire, a 990210 style Sickle Bar mower, a NIB Rear light assembly, NOS Landlord bucket style seat pan, a Carry All box, a near new leaf vac assembly with a LOT of shelf dust on it and albeit tiny, a NOS Starter push button. The Squire was repowered by the PO and he had the foresight to hack up a 725 hood and put the Squire hood on a shelf for safe keeping. Here are just the highlight pictures on that haul.

Then there were two tractors within three weeks that I won on eBay and ironically enough....they both sold for the exact same amount. Just $100.56. The first was an early B-10 that had sat for over 20 years in a gentlemans barn...it's now my prefered mowing tractor because of it's B-12 seat.....While I was there I also got a hydro lift and an excellent metal gas tank.

Then this little jewel, which came with a 32 inch deck. It's a 450 Joy Stick Wonder-Boy. With that same trip I also purchased a B-1, a set of rear wheel weights and a 10inch mouldboard plow. On another auction from the same seller I also got a Right Hand Lift Lever.

I know this post is getting long so I'll close for now and continue the update which includes another B-10, tiller, hi-lo unit, another Wonder-Boy and additional items that have been acquired just this year.

I might add....I spent less on this years hauls combined than some have spent on accessorizing their new tractors with heaters and stuff like that.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
7010b1 Posted - 05/30/2009 : 02:25:38
it's about time I get to see your toys! now I need a up date pic of your line up. I'm still working on getting mine in a row and doing the same.
ZippoVarga Posted - 04/09/2009 : 17:40:11
That was one complaint of mine also Joe. And.....I couldn't use my lawn vac! But that's not a problem now.
JoeJ Posted - 04/09/2009 : 09:54:22
Once it warms up a bit more here, I'll get the pics of the 400s for you.
If you looked in my photobucket thing, you'll see a watch fob collection.
If I get a couple good pics of them, I'll start a thread in the yakin section,,,,ok???
Sean's thread here could end up like some we get over on MBN.
It works over there,,,but I got no idea how or why.
But I think we better not push Mike over here.
Heck, no one has corrected my spelling or grammer yet, I'm still try'n to get over that.

Sean, when I was welding, an old timer friend did a few lawns with a WH and rear dischare deck. He was always after me to plug the hole and open up a side one. I had a hard time convince'n him there was a bit more to it than that.
But he hated it do to always leaving a windrow
ZippoVarga Posted - 04/09/2009 : 09:23:39
It amazes me where YouTube will take you when you set out to only look for one type of video. I started looking at Allis and Simps and wound up watching herculean women tossing bowling balls some 20 feet at a dunk tank target!

Joe, my Wheel Horses rear discharge deck wound up being donated to keep a B-80 in service. Then, when I converted the B-80s owner to Simplicity and Allis-Chalmers, the 800 Special, GT14 Automatic and B-80 all wound up on ebay to fund the Simp/AC bug.

Phil...I found that video shortly after searching for Simp/Allis videos and right before the hurculean women...lol.
skunkhome Posted - 04/07/2009 : 15:46:41
Originally posted by ZippoVarga

Now there's something you don't see every day.....a Cubbie owner pulling a Simplicity plow!!

shocking Sean, I do believe that is punishable in Wisconsin as a crime against nature. I had to cover my eyes...having grown up in an Allis House.
skunkhome Posted - 04/07/2009 : 15:44:56
Joe, I would sure like to see your 400's and what ever else you are collecting. You know, showing pictures is a requirement...
JoeJ Posted - 04/07/2009 : 12:30:37
On the other site, that Agway/MTD is a dirty word,,,,But in my book, a LAWN mower that lasts, goin on 25 years,,,is a good'n!!
And with luck, I'mm mow with it this year too!!

Sean, if I had all those tractors, I'd never be able to make the desision on which one to mow with

BTW, there was no deck on the WH,,,sounds like it's just as well.
ZippoVarga Posted - 04/06/2009 : 20:28:15
Now there's something you don't see every day.....a Cubbie owner pulling a Simplicity plow!!

ZippoVarga Posted - 04/06/2009 : 20:01:12
Ron would agree with you on the Kohlers. I've rebuilt a couple of the old cast iron single lugs and they are easy to work on, but I'm just more familiar with my B&S engines. What's the old saying? If we all looked alike we wouldn't know the difference?
JoeJ Posted - 04/06/2009 : 11:03:36
What can I say,,,,I've always had very good luck with the toilet engines.
I think it's all in how you cuss them.
ZippoVarga Posted - 04/05/2009 : 21:52:31
Here's a couple more pics of the line up. Just a couple at a time instead of them all in one pic....

They certainly are addictive!! I'm planning on getting all my atachments lined up for a photo op as well. It's taken years to accumulate the things I want and there's still many more items on the list. If not for ebay, I wouldn't have any where near the collection that I have. Being disabled is the pitts. If I have a want on my wish list I have to sell in order to buy. But it's worked well for me for some time.

Joe, I had many conversations with Dutch on the phone when all that was going down. He's a good guy that just got a bumm wrap like Ron did. At least we have our saint and savior Michael!!!!
ZippoVarga Posted - 04/05/2009 : 21:35:06
Hey Joe! Hijack away! This old 800 Special was my primary mower for years before I got the Simp/Allis bug.

Then.......when it was no longer my primary mower I did this to it....

And lastly......here's a Video of the old Wheel Horse in action after the opposed twin re-power. That's my buddy Badmoon (Chris) taking it for a "spin."

I never have a problem with someone redirecting my threads, so have at it! It's all about fun with our machines right?

Joe, I only saw one thing wrong with your Wheel Horse....no plumbing for that toilet engine

Truth be told......Briggs DID make toilets too. Somewhere in my cluttered up mess of a photo album I have a picture of this rare breed of a toilet. I was shocked to see that it was on someone's porch!!! But then again.....Briggs is better at being under a hood than under someones butt!! lol Sorry....I HADTA!!!!! hehe

olcowhand Posted - 04/05/2009 : 20:28:51
Originally posted by JoeJ

Hmmmmmmmm, ok, I'll try...

SHOOT,,,,didn't want to hijack Sean's thread.
But anywho,,,,that's the "good" side.
BUT,,,the price was right and first time I was given a tractor that I DROVE home.

Dan,,,can you post the link so everyone can see in my photobucket thingie???
I forget the password for viewing only.

This should do it...I think!


OKee Dokee...if it asks for guest password, it is: oldwelder
B-16_IC Posted - 04/05/2009 : 19:37:13
Not a bad looking butt buggy there Joe! Ain't a thing wrong with a Wheel Horse, except the deck of course. Even the most devout of them guys will tell you that!

Sean, I was wondering if some of those chromeys were off bikes, guess those things are good for more than just emergency room visits after all.
JoeJ Posted - 04/05/2009 : 14:28:18
Hmmmmmmmm, ok, I'll try...

SHOOT,,,,didn't want to hijack Sean's thread.
But anywho,,,,that's the "good" side.
BUT,,,the price was right and first time I was given a tractor that I DROVE home.

Dan,,,can you post the link so everyone can see in my photobucket thingie???
I forget the password for viewing only.

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