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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1014211 Posted - 08/28/2011 : 10:00:30
Had to set this up this morning. Got both weedcutters on and mounted to respective tractors. I think they make a great pair!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Count Macula Posted - 09/03/2011 : 20:29:33
I have one too!

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 09/02/2011 : 07:42:32
Thought about Monkey Wards Gold too....
1014211 Posted - 09/02/2011 : 07:34:34
I believe Michael has one, too. But maybe not in working order, as I recall he keeps saying he needs to get it working. Does anyone else have their serial number? My first one had the sticker, my new one does not. I always thought it would be kind of fun to have a database of attachments we all have. It would be cool to have a vintage section on Simplicity's website also.
Josh, I think it would be cool to paint one in Allis yellow for your your recent restoration!!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 09/01/2011 : 17:40:38
Im in for at least one!
ByronC Posted - 09/01/2011 : 17:03:32
Larry, Rob, and Jon makes 4 weedcutters.

Does anyone else own one?
snohiker Posted - 08/31/2011 : 21:50:33
count me in on the photo op lol might take awhile to get there lol

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 08/31/2011 : 20:40:36
Wouldnt a vintage section be neat? They have to know of the following...you'd think it would be a testament to their machines.

Jon, if you keep one, keep the fdt version...it WILL work on both. =]
ByronC Posted - 08/31/2011 : 16:10:41
Originally posted by 1014211

I am very grateful to Larry, he is helping me out bigtime on a front pto. I was fine with selling the newly acquired weedcutter, until I saw it would fit on my 7016! Now I'm torn. I certainly didn't need two of the same, but with one fitting the fdt and the other the rbt, I know whichever one I got rid of I would need back someday!! :) We should line them up and rip through a field, 4 or 5 would sure look menacing!!

That is a great idea. It would look like a row of Combines eating a wheat field!!! And, maybe send a pic to Simplicity. They might start a vintage section on there web site.. :)
1014211 Posted - 08/30/2011 : 19:21:39
I am very grateful to Larry, he is helping me out bigtime on a front pto. I was fine with selling the newly acquired weedcutter, until I saw it would fit on my 7016! Now I'm torn. I certainly didn't need two of the same, but with one fitting the fdt and the other the rbt, I know whichever one I got rid of I would need back someday!! :) We should line them up and rip through a field, 4 or 5 would sure look menacing!!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 08/30/2011 : 16:52:22
Originally posted by skunkhome

What? Pot? I know the last GM car I owned had a long list of problems, vacuum leaks, bad paint, doors what would not open. Trunk that did not stay closed and an engine that had to have the timing chain changed every 20,000 miles. Had a rattle in the drivers door and and it turned out to be an Ole Milwaukee beer can. .

=] Everyone has their stories when it comes to the automakers, I suppose. These guys just grow their pot out back...it's the engine parts and custom crap they build on their union breaks that impresses me.

You know Jon, if I brough mine over, we'd have nearly ahlf of the Weedcutter ever made, in one spot!

Now if we could meet up with larry too, we'd have the market cornered for sure.
ByronC Posted - 08/30/2011 : 15:59:19
There's a rule on this site. You cannot own more than one (1) Weedcutter. If you have two (2), you must sell one to Byron.

B-16_IC Posted - 08/28/2011 : 17:36:11
Originally posted by skunkhome

Had a rattle in the drivers door and and it turned out to be an Ole Milwaukee beer can. .

LOL! I remember reading an article about the restoration of a Plymouth 'Cuda from the early seventies. It was low mileage never touched, they found a lot of trash under the carpet! Some line workers were/are lazy I guess.

As for Jon's weedcutters, another couple pics to be jealous of.
skunkhome Posted - 08/28/2011 : 16:09:23
What? Pot? I know the last GM car I owned had a long list of problems, vacuum leaks, bad paint, doors what would not open. Trunk that did not stay closed and an engine that had to have the timing chain changed every 20,000 miles. Had a rattle in the drivers door and and it turned out to be an Ole Milwaukee beer can. .
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 08/28/2011 : 13:40:09
Maybe the Simplicity guys snuck some parts out of the warehouse after making them fit newer machines...you'd be suprised by the stuff som GM guys I know have in their pole barns =]
skunkhome Posted - 08/28/2011 : 12:00:49
I had never even heard of a weed cutter before coming to this site. I am truly surprised that those things were still around by the time the RBT's with all their safety switches and other Naderizing were built.

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