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 Getting delivered tomorrow-

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
andrewk Posted - 04/16/2010 : 20:21:18
Hi guys-

My MF8 Massey Ferguson tractor is getting delivered to my house (via my parents) tomorrow. I've had this tractor about 6 years, and it was my Grandfather's. The plan was always to fix it up and give it back to him, but he passed away about two years ago. Not having a yard meant the Massey stayed with the folks until I had a yard and the facilities to use it.

That time has finally come! I tore it apart about 5 years ago, and found that the 8hp Tecumseh needed a rebuild. I bought the parts, bored the block, and checked everything over when I worked for Al Eden. The short block has been sitting oiled up for all this time. I'll probably take the short block back down and get it good and clean, but it's not too far from running.

I've got a deck for it, which has seized up bearings, but is intact and in decent shape. I've also got a front blade, and a Simplicity/AC rear blade that I am going to make work on it.

Pictures to follow, of course. It's been a long time coming, and I can't wait to get the thing fired up!

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BRAD1975 Posted - 04/18/2010 : 23:08:43
friend of mine had one like that..I hated it but at least yours has some history with it to make the resto worthwhile :)
skunkhome Posted - 04/18/2010 : 14:22:04
No mistaking a Massey.
acb10_64 Posted - 04/18/2010 : 13:01:25
Hey Andy that's a nice looking tractor! My friend has an MF 10, says he wants me to repaint the hood, so i guess i'll be looking for some decals for that. I like that rear blade too!
andrewk Posted - 04/18/2010 : 12:30:12
Well, she's here. Mostly as I remember it, but a good once over in good light reveals some more things that I didn't know about. All is fixable though, I think. Here are some pictures of the "haul."

This one isn't so much the tractor as it is my garage. Previous to moving here, all the work I did was either at work in the shop, or in someone else's garage. While it isn't the nicest, it's great to have my own space to work.


Probably going to need some paint. Daniel, are you able to make these decals?

I like the layout of the controls.

Nothing fancy here! Everything you need, nothing you don't.

Sporting the 3-speed transmission- the gear box seems nice and tight.

I spent 20 minutes with an orbital buffer and some kit scratch out, and this was the result. It's still got some shine, but it's tough.

This is the deck- gear drive, and she's locked up. I've had the covers off the boxes, and the gears seem ok, so hopefully I'm just dealing with stuck bearings.

Anybody know how to decode (roughly) the serial numbers on this stuff? I've been told it's circa 1967 (or so) but wouldn't mind finding out when it was made. My Grandpa bought it in 1979, with a rebuilt (not original) engine.

The only piece of SIM/AC equipment I own! Rear blade for the large frame, it's going to be mounted to the back of the MF8, for snow removal.

This is the other blade. After my Grandpa passed, it was found in his basement. To our knowledge, the only other tractor he ever had (other than a Farmall H) was the Simplicity Regent he bought to replace this MF8. No tags, no sub-frame. It looks like it could fit the front of the MF8- But it wouldn't surprise me if it was to some totally different tractor. My Grandpa had a way of collecting things he wanted to use. Sounds like most of us, eh?

Thanks for looking- I'll give some updates as it progresses!

olcowhand Posted - 04/16/2010 : 22:17:43
Originally posted by oldron

Looking forward to seeing the MF8 Andrew!

Me too!
skunkhome Posted - 04/16/2010 : 22:17:40
look forward to seeing your prize

oldron Posted - 04/16/2010 : 21:57:16
Looking forward to seeing the MF8 Andrew!
B112 Posted - 04/16/2010 : 20:52:35
I'm glad the last line said pictures to come! We'll be waiting

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