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 need help on Briggs 20hp

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skunkhome Posted - 10/11/2009 : 13:39:53
My brother (in North Louisisna)called me having trouble with his Crapsman lawn tractor with a 20hp Briggs engine (YBSXS 7242VF 274844). He said that initally he would turn the key and the solenoid would it click but the starter did nothing. He jumped across the solenoid and the starter would engage the flywheel but would turn it just a little bit or not at all. He condemned the starter and went out and purchased a new one for $139. with no change in the situation. Per my advise he tested the solenoid to see if power was making it through and found that there was no voltage coming through it when the key was turned even though it was clicking. He has t ried jumping off his big tractor and a starter/charger but the starter will not turn the engine unless the plugs are removed. Isn't the engine equipped with a compression release? If so is it possible that it is defective?
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olcowhand Posted - 01/01/2010 : 09:50:38
Originally posted by skunkhome

Originally posted by olcowhand

How old is this Crapsman?

10-12 years

Done good to last that long really.
skunkhome Posted - 12/31/2009 : 22:44:39
Originally posted by olcowhand

How old is this Crapsman?

10-12 years
olcowhand Posted - 12/31/2009 : 16:05:22
How old is this Crapsman?
skunkhome Posted - 12/31/2009 : 12:09:16
Update: turns out I had him check out the solenoid and it was defective and the battery was also marginal. New solenoid solved the problem and new battery had it spinning like new. I looked at it Xmas eve and I don't think the thing will make it through another season with out a new front axle and wheels. What junk!
frog19 Posted - 12/30/2009 : 23:02:45
The valves need adjusted. I have a 17 HP that needs adjusted one or two times a year. I found out how to adjust them at the Briggs site.
JD2030 Posted - 12/27/2009 : 22:46:58
Sounds like he needs to adjust the valves. It seems the newer engines have this problem with the valves comeing out of adjustment causing the engine to turn over hard. Sorry I can't help with clearances.
skunkhome Posted - 10/12/2009 : 08:25:13
I believe he is going to take it to a shop and get an estimate. He said of it is more than $200 to fixit will go to the dumpster. Seems the front spindles and bushings are shot. They don't call them crapsman fer nottin.
skunkhome Posted - 10/12/2009 : 08:20:06
My brother also looked under the valve cover and he said it appeared to be in order when he turned over the engine.
biggie_rat Posted - 10/12/2009 : 07:33:52
A light bulb just clicked on when Daniel mentioned the newer engines. If it is an overhead valve (OHV), I have seen the rocker arm adjuster back out, or maybe bend a push rod (some are only about 1/8" diameter), and the rocker arm will fall off to one side. If it were an exhaust rocker arm it wouldn't allow the compression to go anywhere, thus causing the engine to be hard to turn over.
Taking off the valve cover will at least turn off the light bulb.

olcowhand Posted - 10/11/2009 : 22:20:49
Is he jumping from car/truck directly to starter's terminal? If he is & it does the same slow/no turning even with new starter, then it is likely there's a problem inside the engine, but I am not up to snuff on the newer engines. He could go to forum at perr.com & likely get answers needed. Many of the guys there have intimate knowledge of modern engines & operate repair shops. Here's a link:

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skunkhome Posted - 10/11/2009 : 20:25:56
Originally posted by biggie_rat

Check the oil level to see if the carb float has stayed open and let the engine block (and cylinders) fill up with gas, hydro-locking the pistons. Of course it that was the problem, oily gas should should shoot out of the spark plug holes when cranked over with the plugs out.


Yeah, we explored the possibility of him doing something like over filling the crankcase and getting oil into the cylinders but that was not the problem.
biggie_rat Posted - 10/11/2009 : 15:21:55
Check the oil level to see if the carb float has stayed open and let the engine block (and cylinders) fill up with gas, hydro-locking the pistons. Of course it that was the problem, oily gas should should shoot out of the spark plug holes when cranked over with the plugs out.


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