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 say goodbye to the Brute

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
skunkhome Posted - 09/14/2009 : 22:40:26
I put my G5200 on Craigslist last night. I received 6 e-mails before I left the house this morning to go pick up my G1800. This afternoon my first prospect came by to look. He was mainly interested in the engine and would have met my price but when we cranked the engine there was a dead miss at idle that smoothed out at about 1/2 throttle. We ran the engine for about 15 minutes and the miss persisted. He was concerned that it was a compression problem and passed on the deal. I was really bummed out by that time as I had just figured out shortly before his arrival that my G1800 was suffering from the same axle problem as the G5200 tractor I was trying to sell. Prospect one left just minutes before prospect 2 arrived. I was prepared to point out the miss along with the other obvious issues but was surprised to find that the engine started up fine and ran smooth as silk. Don't know what happened but apparently it just needed to run a bit as it has been mostly sitting for the past few months since I discovered the broken axle. I made the sale and drove the brute out to the street and onto my trailer for the last time. I hate to see it go as it was really a fast and fun tractor to drive (more so than my G1800)
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
olcowhand Posted - 09/18/2009 : 09:31:56
Oh, good then! My Bota 4200 idled way too slow when I got it. Sounds much better after I sped it up a tick.
skunkhome Posted - 09/16/2009 : 22:10:44
Originally posted by olcowhand

Good you made the sale. Bad on the new one missing. Did it clear up as well after running a bit?

Sorry Dan, I did not mean the new tractor was missing. I reworded my post to try and clear that up. It runs smooth through all RPM ranges, though I do think the idle is set too high. Hopefully the PO will turn up my manuals this weekend.
olcowhand Posted - 09/16/2009 : 15:50:20
Good you made the sale. Bad on the new one missing. Did it clear up as well after running a bit?

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