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 Got a Kubota too Phil!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
olcowhand Posted - 06/19/2009 : 12:46:20
Just a couple weeks ago, I bought a Cub Cadet 1606 for just $100. Nice tractor too, just had sat for a few years. Got her runnign like new. Motor was new short block just before the owner passed & tractor sat since. Anyway, just $90 invested for belts and fuel cap, and took battery out of Allis as Allis needs a higher amp battery anyway.
Well, a fella 30 miles saw my post on a group about it & wanted to trade. I've been to his place before & seen/heard this Kubota, so I knew it was a good unit. It's a G4200, 12HP with 40" deck, foot pedal hydro. He knew the Kubota was worth more, but likes stick & Cubs. Main thing that caught his eye was the 50" cut of the Cub.
Well, I shot to his place last evening & did the swap. Been mowing with her today, and man does she run sweet! My front axle pivot seems tight with no cracks, so I'm a step ahead of you Phil, but 2HP down. Gotta say this was about the best trade I've ever made! I'll take some pics in a few...cooling myself down right now...HOT out!
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Cvans Posted - 01/09/2010 : 20:57:31
I guess I never thought about it that way.
skunkhome Posted - 01/09/2010 : 14:02:55
Originally posted by Cvans

Your right Phil! Lots of glow plug. Even when it is warm out they like their glow plugs. I have a large Bolens GT 2000 that I'm thinking about putting one of these engines in. They are so frugal on fuel usage that it just makes sense. I kind of like the noisy little buggers also.

I don't think they are as noisy as my old Air cooled Briggs(s)
Cvans Posted - 01/09/2010 : 09:53:41
Your right Phil! Lots of glow plug. Even when it is warm out they like their glow plugs. I have a large Bolens GT 2000 that I'm thinking about putting one of these engines in. They are so frugal on fuel usage that it just makes sense. I kind of like the noisy little buggers also.
skunkhome Posted - 01/09/2010 : 00:13:37
Thec kubota is very cold natured and don't have room for much of a battery. As I recall the biggerst thing I could find was about 350 CCA.
olcowhand Posted - 01/08/2010 : 13:27:10
Yes Chris, at slower speeds they do sound as though they have a miss don't they! But at top revs they sound great! I only mow with mine, so she'll only see the occasional warm day warm-up till Spring. My Massey 1010, I installed a block heater.
Cvans Posted - 01/08/2010 : 10:10:11
I have mine parked next to a small Nebco heater. It's my small loader tractor so I use it a lot. I lift the hood and turn on the heater for 15 or 20 min. and she fires right off. It's funny but I don't know how I got along without it all of these years. Makes the perfect small loader tractor in my mind. I haven't decided for sure what I going to do with the other one yet. The Z430 engine is a real sweetheart once you get over the sound.
olcowhand Posted - 01/08/2010 : 08:57:14
Originally posted by Cvans

Hi Daniel:
Are you still running the G4200? If or when you need any information on these (I have 2 of them) I have in my possesion all of the parts and shop manuals. And thanks for reminding me about this site. It's been awhile since I've been here and it's good to see a lot of the old faces are still here.

Yep, still have her, but in a deep freeze, so not running her at the moment. She still runs like a top! I did get her cranked up before the cold moved in. Warmed her a bit, then dropped some coolant to top off with fresh antifreeze. Did the same with my Massey 1010 & JD F935.
Cvans Posted - 01/08/2010 : 00:36:48
Hi Daniel:
Are you still running the G4200? If or when you need any information on these (I have 2 of them) I have in my possesion all of the parts and shop manuals. And thanks for reminding me about this site. It's been awhile since I've been here and it's good to see a lot of the old faces are still here.
skunkhome Posted - 09/30/2009 : 13:36:26
Originally posted by olcowhand

Nope, no manuals at all. But then I hardly ever use manuals....keeps my thinker working! I usually only need manuals for clearances & the like when into engines. The hydro I am familiar with...same as my Unico & some Massey's.

I have owners manuals if you need info. I am going to try to figure out how to put them in a PDF that way I can make them available to people on the Kubota forum.
olcowhand Posted - 09/30/2009 : 09:22:42
Nope, no manuals at all. But then I hardly ever use manuals....keeps my thinker working! I usually only need manuals for clearances & the like when into engines. The hydro I am familiar with...same as my Unico & some Massey's.
skunkhome Posted - 09/30/2009 : 01:24:07
Daniel, did you get the manuals with the Kubota? Tractor & mower?
olcowhand Posted - 08/05/2009 : 09:37:30
Originally posted by skunkhome

Daniel, have you had a chance to do anything with your Kubota?

Mow with her regular...never a burp out of it! Very best trade ever for sure. She fires right up & is ready to mow. Does a very nice cut also!
skunkhome Posted - 08/04/2009 : 22:47:50
Daniel, have you had a chance to do anything with your Kubota?
olcowhand Posted - 06/30/2009 : 21:16:42
Actually I had thought about it, but as busy as things have been lately, I pushed that idea out of my mind...at least for several months. I have 3 others with 3pt anyway, so until I find myself with nothing to do & bored, I'll put it on back burner. Appreciate the page though & will copy & save. The Kubota really mkows nice & fits where none of my other tractors will, save for the MF85. Plan on selling the 85 soon if I can find a buyer. Sold 2 motorcycles today during & after chopping silage. My 1100 Virago is my keeper. Sold my 750 Virago today & also sold my 74 Suzuki GT750. Never ride the 750 anymore, so decided to make more room in my shed. Will pay off the 1100 & all my other little bills. Been a good day to sell stuff!
Thanks again Phil, may make that 3pt someday.
skunkhome Posted - 06/30/2009 : 19:09:30
Daniel, did you have a copy of this exploded drawing of the Kubota 3 point hitch? The way you like to modify things I figures you might get some ideas from the drawing. I also have a complete parts catalog for that series of tractor, if you need any info.

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