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 Oversized Suburban

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cleatusj Posted - 06/14/2009 : 15:49:37
After swapping the 31x15.5x15 tires from Suburban to my Powermax I wanted a new setup for the Burb.

After mounting these other 15" wheels with lugs the tractor set with to much foward rack so I remounted front axle to level things out and extended wheelbase at the same time.

I'm now happy with the stance and it handles well. Just gotta build the fenders, 3PH and repaint.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cleatusj Posted - 08/27/2009 : 21:25:12
The tires are 12.5-15L On 15" Jeep wheels. With the high/low ranges there was no need to change gearing.
rustyoldjunk Posted - 08/26/2009 : 22:31:16
that thing looks great.did you change the pulleys to gear it back to stock and what size rear tires are you running?
cleatusj Posted - 08/18/2009 : 22:07:38
My very first video is of a short ride over the dirt I've been dragging out, plus a little mud.
terdybukrat Posted - 08/15/2009 : 16:52:05
That thing is a beast!!! My '69 ss12 just crawled under the bed!

B-16_IC Posted - 08/09/2009 : 13:15:53
I see you've got the all important mud on the tires! Real tractors ain't clean! Nice job on the rippers, look better than some of the boughten stuff I've seen.
B112 Posted - 08/09/2009 : 10:40:38
That's coming along really nice!
cleatusj Posted - 08/09/2009 : 09:13:09
Got the rippers welded up and some paint on box.

cleatusj Posted - 07/18/2009 : 21:03:29
Electrified the original 3PH and built a 44" box blade from stock on hand. Soon as I acquire the rest of the hydraulic parts, the electric will be changed.

cleatusj Posted - 07/16/2009 : 19:09:26
There is no exhaust note to be heard above the Wisconsin AENL. By the way that is an Onan RV generator muffler.
haykarenhardy Posted - 07/16/2009 : 18:49:01
Does the long muffler cut down on the engine noise? I like your hydraulic setup.
skunkhome Posted - 07/14/2009 : 23:22:11
I must have been thinking "Oliver". The running boards dispelled some of my concerns about the open wheels. It is not pretty to be sucked under the wheels of your own tractor.

cleatusj Posted - 07/14/2009 : 21:32:54
It's still a long ways from where I want to get it, but here's 3 pic's. The last shows the extended floorboards with a 2" lip at the rear to keep my feet from getting into the tires and it works well.

Phil, I had to try this odd gray I had.
skunkhome Posted - 07/13/2009 : 23:32:48
Sears would not recognize that tractor...very retro looking with the flat spoked rims. don't know what you plan on painting it but I think red rims on a dark green tractor would look very classic like something out of the 1920's.
cleatusj Posted - 07/13/2009 : 23:21:22
Thanks Andrew, I got around to painting the hood and rims and will post pic's after washing tractor.
andrewk Posted - 07/12/2009 : 23:14:47
I vote for no fenders!! That thing looks real tough as-is. Looks like it's a good project for you- keep up the great work!!


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