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 air cooled diesel any oppinions

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doyoucesp1965 Posted - 03/10/2009 : 19:48:38
Hey all.. taking ideas on about re-powering a tractor or two..Maybe start with a 68 deere ! engine burns oil and needs a rebuild.. techumson 10 in it now and was cruisin Ebay and saw diesels goin for cheap! I would like input as to what any other out there have used in there's? Single cyl. air cooled prefered..Lets get some ideas goin...
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 03/20/2009 : 21:24:39
Originally posted by Roy

Why Phil, thought you knew.

Everything is Chinese made now. That's why we don't have jobs anymore.

But, fear not, O-bomb-a is going to save us.

Roy, last time I looked we were getting pretty pink...if your are poor, never fear, you will have company very soon. We will all be working for the government or for Walmart!
doyoucesp1965 Posted - 03/20/2009 : 20:44:51
Will be trying once again to post a pict.. thinking that if I take the pict with my cell ,download it to my comp.,It will then be of lower resolution to post on here .. yupp I the guy who can't get his picts posted w/o help from Mike..lol..On the deere while sittin on the seat flwheel on the left and everything else sticks out the right side...now for a simplicity Would need to make an adapter for the flywheey side and hope and pray that it mounts down inside the frame pow enough.. thought about the Deere and the Guinea pig as I dont want to hack-up a perfectly good allis or simplcity on a wild notion of being 'different".. the orange tractors worth more to me then the green anyway..
Roy Posted - 03/20/2009 : 09:10:45
Why Phil, thought you knew.

Everything is Chinese made now. That's why we don't have jobs anymore.

But, fear not, O-bomb-a is going to save us.
olcowhand Posted - 03/20/2009 : 08:33:01
Originally posted by skunkhome

Originally posted by olcowhand

I missed this post too...sorry. Lots of people are putting the Chinese diesels in tractors these days. I know at least 2 put in Massey's and they love them. It's do-able for sure!

that "Chinese" is the only thing that gives me pause.

Yes, but sadly Chinese diesels are pretty much all anyone can afford these days. But then most small diesels in sub compacts are made overseas also.
skunkhome Posted - 03/19/2009 : 22:27:20
Originally posted by olcowhand

I missed this post too...sorry. Lots of people are putting the Chinese diesels in tractors these days. I know at least 2 put in Massey's and they love them. It's do-able for sure!

that "Chinese" is the only thing that gives me pause.
olcowhand Posted - 03/19/2009 : 20:48:01
I missed this post too...sorry. Lots of people are putting the Chinese diesels in tractors these days. I know at least 2 put in Massey's and they love them. It's do-able for sure!
Roy Posted - 03/19/2009 : 20:09:20
"was cruisin Ebay and saw diesels goin for cheap!"

Been thinking of doing the same sort of thing. Don't see any reason it shouldn't work provided the diesel will turn 3600 RPM. Simplicity sold Lombardini powered diesels for some time. Think they were/are single cylinders.

B112 Posted - 03/19/2009 : 19:43:40
I missed this; I'm not quite familar with the 68 Deere, so if you could give us a photo and describe what you've done for research/sizing about your project.
doyoucesp1965 Posted - 03/19/2009 : 19:02:21
well i guess there no bites on this one?

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