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 Massey Ferguson 7

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2nstoys Posted - 12/01/2008 : 13:40:21
Just bought 2 MF 7's for $126.00. 1st one runs and 2nd one doesn't but it came with a plow. Both have decks. Going to pick them up tomorrow unless we get the snow they are calling for. I will post more pics when I get them home. Looks like I have more projects then time. Oh well.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
2nstoys Posted - 02/15/2009 : 09:43:42
Thanks. I was really surprised at how well this little 500lb tractor pushed snow. I loaded the rear tires with 5 gal. of ww fluid and it works good. No spinning. This one may be a keeper for the home yard. Sell the newer craftsman.
jimmyj Posted - 02/15/2009 : 08:52:51
Man, what a beautiful job. Great work!
2nstoys Posted - 02/14/2009 : 20:11:13
Here are some pics of the finished tractor with the plow mounted. Let me know if you need any close ups.

Yes, it is a 948 sprite
andrewk Posted - 02/13/2009 : 10:43:21
Nice tractor! Do you have pics of the blade pieces you have? I have an MF8, and found a plow in my Grandpa's basement for it- Just wondering if it's actually for the MF8 or not-

Nice Healey- That have the 948 engine in it?
2nstoys Posted - 01/03/2009 : 22:46:28
1965 Austin Healey Sprite Mark III. Been slowly working on that the last year or so. That is until I bought property just outside of town and built my new pole barn/workshop. Now that I moved it to the workshop I may start working on it a little between tractors.
kma4444 Posted - 01/03/2009 : 15:34:09
Sprite or Midget in the background?
B112 Posted - 01/03/2009 : 07:30:09
Looking good!
2nstoys Posted - 01/02/2009 : 22:24:59
Got the front tires on. Wired up everything. Engine cranks over. Need to get some new cables and knobs still. Going to try and make a new seat for the original pan.

olcowhand Posted - 12/31/2008 : 09:28:09
Actually the "silver mist" for the grill is what you've used. Just the chassis is supposed to be "flint metallic gray", but I wasn't going to say anything.
Here's my 67 MF12H...you can see the darker chassis.

2nstoys Posted - 12/30/2008 : 21:13:20
I think I goofed up on the silver. I did not realize that the grille was a lighter silver then the rest until after I painted. Oh well, not to many will know the difference.
olcowhand Posted - 12/30/2008 : 21:07:54
VERY nice work! Hardly anyone blacks out the grill screen, but it sure is worth the effort. Great to see the correct colors. So many just paint them a dull gray and whatever red they can find. Gonna look grand when finished.
Not sure how plow hooks to this model. The 10, 12's, 14's, and 16's plow goes all the way to rear hitch & pins there, then have a guide bolted to front end to keep blade centered.
2nstoys Posted - 12/30/2008 : 20:51:51
Got a little more done tonight. Had an extra set of 20-10-8 tires. Put them on and now it doesn't look quite as small of tractor. Still have to get the fronts. Anybody know how the plow hooks up? I might have all the parts, but not sure.

jimmyj Posted - 12/28/2008 : 08:31:54
Man, great deal! I wish I had the talent you do for body work. Great looking progress. Can't wait to see when you are done.
2nstoys Posted - 12/27/2008 : 19:06:17
Been working on the Massey for a while. Got the chassis painted and some of the little parts. Painted all the red last night.

Started putting some together today.

Also cleaned the points on the engine and it fired right up on the bench.
2nstoys Posted - 12/08/2008 : 19:55:44
Thanks for the info. I just emailed you about the decals. I will see if Tony can help also. I am not looking for a total resto, but at least the main ones since most people looking at this probably never saw th esmall Massey's anyway.

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