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 Ford LGT 165 w/FEL

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lilredb1 Posted - 10/27/2008 : 03:01:55
Picked this up recently for $900 (a little too much now that I have tinkered with it)....Previous owner called it "ol' smokey" for a reason!

Good thing it came with a complete spare motor (13hp though). Also included: rear tiller, rear weight box, rear wheel weights, tire chains, spare front axle, front wheels/tires, steering column/box, and a collection of carbs and other small parts.

Not sure of year yet (early-mid 70's?), 16hp Kohler, elect start, hydro trans w/hi & lo, electric rear pto, hydraulic lift, mule drive to run a mower deck, ....and of course a front end loader. (I painted over the factory sticker for the loader, and I cannot remember the brand now....)

Not a big fan of "Blue", but the loader is what sold me on it. And because I'm not a fan of the color blue either, a repaint was in order. (needed it anyway).

The hood and grill haven't been painted yet because last owner liked to nose up to stuff and broke the grill, so I have to fab up some channel in behind to mount and support the front end. What a bear this thing is to line up panels and such, quite poor factory fitment "ideas" if you ask me!

Here's how it's coming along so far....

I added the hot rod LED tailights and chrome eyebrows...and didn't have to alter anything.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 02/09/2009 : 21:26:27
I thought you were going to keep it for mosquito abatement.
Roy Posted - 02/09/2009 : 11:57:39
Congratulations on turning a POS into profitable dollars.

I'm convinced that FORD lovers are gluttons for punishment.

Carry on,
lilredb1 Posted - 02/09/2009 : 00:04:12
Had lots of luck with it! And yes, it is kind of a bear to work on AND operate, but the loader was what made the whole package bareable.

.....sold it as is in the above pics......doubled my $$$, and kept the spare 12hp Kohler it came with. (it's for sale now too, unless I can hack it into a yellow tractor)

New owner was a wannabe "purist" and didn't like my yellow repaint. So he repainted tub and body again in the WRONG blue and left the frame/motor/trans black....????

I think he just played the "purist" card to beat down my price!

So ends this thread......
Roy Posted - 02/02/2009 : 11:28:43
Thumbs up on the loader.

Thumbs down on the LGT-165. Had a LGT-125 that was a total POS. Finally got rid of it by parting it out. Still have the Kohler K301-AS engine minus the oil pan which was welded to the frame. The Ford was a terror to work on. Will never figure out why Ford engineers thought it was good idea to tie the upper grill to a shaking engine head.

Hope you have better luck with your Ford than I did with mine.

IronPony Posted - 02/02/2009 : 07:39:45
Did that pink attachment come with the tractor?
Dan aka IronPony
lilredb1 Posted - 10/31/2008 : 16:51:21
I don't think I did too bad with price, but lots of small items need attention (some of which I should have addressed before painting), and looks like the 13hp spare motor is gonna have to be dropped in (was told it was a good runner)......running the tractor around is killing all the insect life in the neighborhood! LOL

More pics to come soon....
4xbill Posted - 10/31/2008 : 07:23:36
Nice. I don't think 900 was such a bad deal with the FEL and all the attachments/extra parts. You could probably adapt the FEL to a Simplicity/AC

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