I'd like to welcome all the new fellow tractor collectors joining the site. We're an Ad-hoc Simplicity and Allis Chalmers Collecting Club which invite other brands and size tractor collectors to join us.
One thing I'd like to remind fellow tractor fans is to please respect the copyright of other authors, photographers and creators of material. Please do not post pictures with "watermarks" which are meant to protect copyright because those will need to be removed. If you find a photo or copyrighted subject you really like to share, then just provide a URL link to that site's page so that fellow collectors can find it easily. Most sites are only happier if you reference their site as it drives traffic and interest.
One fact that folks helping to collect information is that "Data" can not be copyrighted, only the original formating a creator has developed in showing data is copyright worthy.
Thank you all for visiting and all the help in building something really fun!
Please see the rest of the old news in the News Reel