Just learned that all sleeve hitches are not created equal. Built mine to the standard specks or so I thought,and then made trade for Allis/Simplicity plow. Sleeve hitch post is 3-9/16 (always easier too make metal shorter than longer) and plow hitch is 4-1/8. I know this will allow vertical movement and will have adverse affect on plow pitch. I can see another sleeve hitch in my equiptment inventory.Ole Scrappy doesn't look bad with plow mounted. Whats the ole saying, he who finishes with the most toys wins,just adding too the finish. Hope picture shows enough detail for seeing the extra space at top of sleeve hitch. Phil
The original hitches do have a 4" tube, for the old style equipment, but modern equipment won't fit the 4". I know I had to cut mine down to work with a Brinly box scraper.
I agree with the recommendation to just add a spacer to fill the void and you're good to go.
I'd go with a heavier pin too...with something bigger that wont bend, I wouldn't worry about the plow moving vertically. They should have some give and float to them anyway. Drop it in the ground and give it a tug...I bet she knocks your socks off! =]
Yeah, Phil you have an original plow. Just add a 1 " piece of pipe when you use that implement nd remove when you use the others. Actually the mold board plow is the only Impliment where I use the free swinging sleeve hitch.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty."
Took another look today,and decided A home made spacer should work. Used old style 5/8 square nut,drilled out the threads and tightened things up. If ole scrappy bends this 8 grade 5/8 bolt I will for sure take her too the pulls this summer.LOL Phil