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1235 Posts

Posted - 12/27/2007 :  08:40:53  Show Profile  Visit biggie_rat's Homepage Send biggie_rat a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I ended up with a newer Murray 11hp, hydro as a trade in. There wasn't anything wrong with it, but hey. It was a Murray and the guy wanted a good tractor. But I went to change oil, etc., drove it onto the lift, did my thing. While standing on the floor I went to start it ..... nothing. Ah, safety switches. So, I pushed in on the clutch and latched the so called, parking brake. Ah, crankity, crankity, but wouldn't start. I put on my spark tester .... no spark. &^!%#%!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO MAKE IT HAVE NO SPARK !! Why would it crank but no spark? So for some reason I went back to the safety switches. Finally I found it. The seat switch is like a push button and the seat bracket comes down on the switch when you sit on it by way of a hinged seat and spring (as a lot of tractors (mowers) are. The odd thing is, this was factory wired this way .... to be able to crank till the battery was dead if the seat switch wasn't made. I don't know that that this is dangerous, but it is an odd wad way of designing a wiring system. I have seen tractors with no seat switch, seen the seat switch bypassed, etc., but not set up to crank and not start until the seat switch is made. Weird wired.



5243 Posts

Posted - 12/27/2007 :  09:19:15  Show Profile  Visit B112's Homepage Send B112 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'd call it a poor or undesirable design.

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12829 Posts

Posted - 12/27/2007 :  21:51:40  Show Profile Send skunkhome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The school owns a Sabre 2554, and it is set up just like that. It is a horrible design. Also if you have a light rider the motor cuts out every time you hit a bump. Also the darn thing cuts out if you lean over to see around an implement. I tried defeating the switch by jumping the gap but it would not allow the engine to run.


"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty."

Benjamin Franklin
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5115 Posts

Posted - 12/29/2007 :  09:18:00  Show Profile  Visit olcowhand's Homepage Send olcowhand a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by skunkhome

The school owns a Sabre 2554, and it is set up just like that. It is a horrible design. Also if you have a light rider the motor cuts out every time you hit a bump. Also the darn thing cuts out if you lean over to see around an implement. I tried defeating the switch by jumping the gap but it would not allow the engine to run.

I've got a White that does the same thing, stray from center of seat & she's dies down till you squirm back over. Since I got my Allis 416 redone I don't use the White anymore. It's here as backup only.

Daniel in Ky -- So much to do, so little time!

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