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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mikeman Posted - 06/15/2015 : 10:51:24
After replacing a broken rod, bad breather, governor and gasket set.
I mowed with it, First Kohler, so far so good, has about 2 hours on it so far, one more lawn mowing and it gets power steering and lift.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mikeman Posted - 07/06/2015 : 14:00:57
4 hours before the holiday break.
I am really starting to like it.
Cvans Posted - 06/22/2015 : 17:01:15
That's gotta make you feel good.
mikeman Posted - 06/22/2015 : 10:55:09
Mowed again, now has 3 hours on it and holding.
skunkhome Posted - 06/17/2015 : 14:55:32
Ouch! Glad you were able to salvage engine.
mikeman Posted - 06/17/2015 : 11:02:09
I thought it was a repair place.
Could be, I bought it from a private party, at his house.
Here are a couple more pictures.

skunkhome Posted - 06/15/2015 : 20:27:14
Looks good . Is that a local grain elevator in Rochester MI. it belonged to?

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