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split51 Posted - 06/01/2015 : 21:13:58
I found this 712 with a Briggs V-twin on the Kansas Craig list. The owners daugher thought it was original paint so I made a deal with her. I got up there and it was an older repaint so we renegotiated the deal. Who ever repainted it did a very nice job.
Can't wait to get it cleaned up and a spindle bearing replaced to see how it mows.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B-16_IC Posted - 06/08/2015 : 22:02:49
Hmmm, I was told it wasn't that easy. I'll have to find time to try it myself. I have that engine sitting on the garage floor. Thanks for the information.
skunkhome Posted - 06/05/2015 : 22:41:12
Yeah those head lights have an unusual wiring scheme. Usually the ground comes through the socket wall but on those the negative is one of the duel poles.
split51 Posted - 06/05/2015 : 21:53:56
The driveshaft mounts just like the Briggs but the PO used spacers due to the shaft being about an inch too short. I personally would have taken to shafts and cut and welded them to make the correct length.
As far as I can tell, the engine is bolted to the frame with no spacers. Not sure if it bolts to the same holes as the Briggs or if the PO had to drill new holes.
B-16_IC Posted - 06/05/2015 : 21:04:29
The engine was worth the asking price plus! Speaking of which, any chance of a couple pics of the driveshaft attachment and mounting? I have the same engine here and contemplating it's intended home.
Cvans Posted - 06/05/2015 : 14:39:18
Yah, I feel a lot better also.
split51 Posted - 06/05/2015 : 13:15:48
Chris, my mistake. I had to give 200 for that one. I don't feel so bad now
superbinder Posted - 06/04/2015 : 19:15:25
poached it outta my backyard.
Cvans Posted - 06/04/2015 : 16:56:01
I am very happy with it. Only gave 150.00 for it.

I hope you can sleep at night after stealing that.
and diffenatly going to need to replace the BGB

At the price you paid I'm surprised it came with one.
split51 Posted - 06/04/2015 : 15:17:43
I am very happy with it. Only gave 150.00 for it.
I got it out last night and diffenatly going to need to replace the BGB and a few spindle bearings in the deck but it runs great. Just hard to get used to hearing a V-twin i place of a single lung.
And look at this added bonus!!!!! I got to messing with it at lunch today and figured out it was missing the ground wire for the lights.

Cvans Posted - 06/03/2015 : 23:19:19
Very nice looking tractor!

skunkhome Posted - 06/03/2015 : 20:33:25
Love those early models. I think they run cooler as well.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 06/03/2015 : 08:26:11
Nice find
split51 Posted - 06/02/2015 : 22:23:41
16 hp B&S vanguard.
B-16_IC Posted - 06/02/2015 : 21:58:06
That is a nice looking machine! What is the new engine?
split51 Posted - 06/02/2015 : 18:08:25
Here it is after a quick cleanup and buffer over the hood.
The BGB is a little noisy but I have a parts tractor with a good box.

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