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 Video of my loader in action.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
split51 Posted - 05/31/2015 : 02:25:32
(Sorry,still trying to figure this out.)

Here is my first attempt at loading a video.
Finally got a chance to use the loader after nearly 2 weeks of rain.

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 06/08/2015 : 07:09:38
Originally posted by B112

I like it! As the kids get bigger I need to fix up my fleet. I now barely can change the oil.

haha...tell me about it! I spend more time begging my 2yr old where he hid my socket wrench, than I do working on anything. I do most of my work after they, and their mother, go to bed But it makes it tough to get things done without making a bunch of noise.
B112 Posted - 06/07/2015 : 10:29:00
I like it! As the kids get bigger I need to fix up my fleet. I now barely can change the oil.
B-16_IC Posted - 06/05/2015 : 20:59:43
What a nice fleet! Looks like they (and you ) did a great job. Such jobs turn into fun with these little ones, I've tried doing such things with farm tractors and it turns into a chore. Constantly having to watch out to not hit obstacles and you can't see where the bucket ends.
split51 Posted - 06/04/2015 : 16:27:21
Yeah Phil. I am STILL doing the renovation. Lol. The building and yard keep getting in the way. Going to start the roof it this fall. I am going to redeck it and probably go with a metal roof.
skunkhome Posted - 05/31/2015 : 21:31:19
Looks all really nice. I like the little roller. I love the old farmhouse. A true classic. Weren't you doing a renovation?
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 05/31/2015 : 20:27:42
Did a nice job with the camera! Loaders sure are handy...and a ball to run.
split51 Posted - 05/31/2015 : 16:07:42
Got the dirt moved and yard leveled. Had a fun weekend playing on them.


Cvans Posted - 05/31/2015 : 15:14:28
Nice equipment you have.
Video turned out fine. Thanks for posting it.

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