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 Broken s/g bracket.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
B10Dave Posted - 05/13/2015 : 19:17:40
Was cutting my grass on Monday when the heavens opened up while I was only half done. Put the BigTen back in the shop and cursed Ma Nature. Should have known better. When I went to finish the job Tuesday it would not start. Belt was slipping. I guess Ma Nature got her revenge. Found the sg hanging on by the adjuster bracket and the belt. Didn't have time for a repair as I needed to finish mowing and then go to a meeting. Tie wraps to the rescue. They held til grass was cut and I did the proper repair today. Here are pics of the break and repair.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 05/20/2015 : 13:07:26
I've had a handful that were broke, but never both sides. I've found the belt will slip as soon as that far side of the bracket cracks.

Nice welds! Now that I'm becoming so-so on a MIG, I am finding all sorts of things to repair and re-purpose with wire and electricity.
skunkhome Posted - 05/13/2015 : 22:06:25
Wow, I've never seen one fracture like that. Zip ties to the rescue. Lol.

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