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 The Little Red Cart from Portland

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A-C 1036_B-10 Posted - 08/26/2014 : 21:15:41
As several of you know there is a very large gas engine and tractor show in Portland, Indiana. If you went this year you will also know that the grass roads were no longer grass, but instead mud from the several rains they received at the grounds. This was the first year I had attended the Portland show and I was very excited to get to go. When I got there my attention was turned mostly towards the swap meet area in hopes of finding a good load of attachments for my machine back home. I ended up walking just about every aisle of the swap meet only to find slim pickings as far as attachments go. I think there may have been a total of three roto tillers with 2 being rbt tillers and the other an fdt that looked to need a good amount of work done to it. So I ditched the swap meet for a while to check out all the main attractions such as the hit and miss engines and the never ending sea of lawn and garden tractors. After lunch I headed back out to the swap meet area for the last time to see if I missed anything. I ended finding a guy selling reproduction Nelson cans and bought one of those which has been on my list of need to buy for a while. My more interesting buy was found at the end of the aisles at the swap meet. I had been wanting a dump cart to pull around and this guy had two. Both being very different from each other. I opted to go for the neater looking one and after doing some research I think this wagon was built by the radio company. I assume this is the same company that built the radio flyer red wagons although I may be wrong. So far I'm really liking this little cart and the cool little tilt feature it has built in. I wonder how many more are out there as it seems I haven't seen a whole lot of them around.

The cart needs a new pull rope but that's not that big of a deal to replace and everybody please ignore that hideous seat that's tied on with baling twine. That is something else that is up at the top of the list to get.
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Talntedmrgreen Posted - 09/22/2014 : 14:40:58
Heck, folks will paint a Simplicity JD green and yellow to try and get a better sale price!
1014211 Posted - 09/18/2014 : 13:01:53
They were made by one company and probably whoever wanted to buy them and put their name on them then sold them. I have seen a couple different names on them, but personally never a Deere....
superbinder Posted - 09/14/2014 : 08:56:41
I have never seen one of these locally, but last week I saw a jd 30 just like them. Did jd sell this style or did somebody paint it green to double the price?
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 09/09/2014 : 10:28:35
Very neat find! I have one as well, but it's not (yet) in Simplicity attire, but rather, in the OEM Radio green paint. I have a strong feeling mine will become blue, when I redo my Homelite T-8.
1014211 Posted - 09/04/2014 : 08:40:35
I have on too, and love it. We use it every year to cart kiddos around at the tractor show. Bottom pic is from the 1971 Simplicity brochure, they did market them!

cschmidt62 Posted - 08/28/2014 : 21:24:27
I picked one up a while back, not near as good shape
oldron Posted - 08/28/2014 : 11:06:21
Buy wheelbarrow tubs,sell them as dump trailers!Clever.
B10Dave Posted - 08/27/2014 : 18:49:49
Ron; it is a genuine Simplicity dump cart made by the same company as the Radio Flyer wagons. It is legit. They did sell them....Dave
oldron Posted - 08/26/2014 : 22:01:41
Sorry but,that is a wheelbarrow put on a two wheel frame.

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