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T O P I C    R E V I E W
split51 Posted - 08/17/2014 : 20:10:07
Ok. So it's not an L&G but it is the same size. An Allis FT 20-24 military forklift with 6k hours. Runs great but needs brake fluid or master cylinder rebuilt.
It has a 2000 lb lift capacity and 106" lift
Been needing one to move garden tractors and engines around in my shop.

Links cleaned up by Phil
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
split51 Posted - 08/21/2014 : 01:10:08
Phil, i havent ran the engine numbers yet but it looks to be a FC-133 Waukesha. Yes, it will take a little time getting used to it. I have the 621 all terrain FL but this is a whole different world as far as driving and handling.
The 20-24 is a power shift where the 621 is a shuttle. I really like using the shuttle, it's very precise and easy to creep forward and back. The 20-24s foot clutch is very quick to engage.
This little machine weights about 3900lbs and is military rated at 2k at 24" center but the same civilian model is rated 3k at 24" center.
As soon as i finish my loft in my tractor room, I am putting 4 Bs on display up there with the FT 20-24
split51 Posted - 08/21/2014 : 01:07:21
Started messing with the brakes tonight. Left side wheel cylinder is shot, so off to napa tomorrow for master cylinder and wheel cylinder kits.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 08/20/2014 : 14:32:52
Very nice! I looked long and hard at several. They are dirt cheap and plentiful. I missed a neat little Orange and black Buda's, and the others were just a bit too big. Seems most have master cylinder issues that folks dont feel like tackling.
Cvans Posted - 08/17/2014 : 21:55:58
Heck of a deal. I'm envious too, you have a forklift and you have a shop big enough to drive it around in.
skunkhome Posted - 08/17/2014 : 21:55:29
That is nice and with you nice new shop with concrete floor it would be perfect. If you are familiar with forklifts great...if not be sure you study up before you try to lift and move anything. What engine is in that baby? 4 cyl Continental?
split51 Posted - 08/17/2014 : 21:18:46
This one was cheap. I have 650.00 including fuel going to get it.
B-16_IC Posted - 08/17/2014 : 21:04:56
Color me jealous! Looks like a nice example of the breed. I remember before scrap prices got high old forklifts were terribly cheap.

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