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T O P I C    R E V I E W
acdad Posted - 08/02/2014 : 06:43:49
Just picked up a 912H and a 310 this week from an auto recycler. They're both complete except the 912 was missing the left front wheel. I was thrilled that all the tires held air when I inflated them as that made it much easier to get them off the truck and trailer. The 912 caught my eye in the ad and I was gonna sell the 310 as for some reason I have never been a big fan of the looks (and I know parts and attachments are rarer) but the kids talked me into keeping that one instead. (My daughter has a way of persuading her Dad at times into getting her way). I am glad they are a little interested in any tractor. After looking at things closer I realized the 912H needed more work so I sold it to a nice kid who will appreciate it and will do a minor resto on the 310.

My daughter climbing in to check out the 310.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
1014211 Posted - 08/02/2014 : 20:04:49
I certainly know how daughters convince daddy's!! Very nice save!
skunkhome Posted - 08/02/2014 : 15:56:57
Please convince her that Orange is the new Pink.
B10Dave Posted - 08/02/2014 : 15:12:07
Chris. Nice save. Hope you can interest your daughter into a joint restoration project. Daddy/daughter time would be precious...Dave
Cvans Posted - 08/02/2014 : 11:32:05
Nice save. How can people justify throwing something like that away is beyond me.
skunkhome Posted - 08/02/2014 : 09:37:20
Wow, second model 310? Good save.

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