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1014211 Posted - 07/28/2014 : 19:24:48
Ok, I had someone approach me at the show and ask if I wanted a Broadmoor. I see Broadmoor's all the time(I even have two) so I didn't get real excited but told him I would look at it. He told me his grandfather bought it new in 1968 and loved it and took great care of it. Ok, I'll be there. He asked if I could come out tonight, Monday. So I did, and it was worth going to look at it. He said he wanted it to go to a good home and when he saw my Simplicity's he knew he found the owner. I bought this for my baby, Abby, so now each kid has a tractor. It is a 717, with electric start, mower deck, snow blower and hi-lo! It is gorgeous. He had all the manuals and even the original sales receipt for $827.00 on September 23, 1968! You can tell his grandpa waxed it. Anyway, very excited to get a picture of all the kids on their tractors!

13   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
B112 Posted - 07/31/2014 : 16:54:11
Here's a write up on that show: (one hour 30 minutes from the Chicago Airport)


LaPorte County Fair, 2581 State Road 2, La Porte, IN 46350

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 07/31/2014 : 12:22:36
Originally posted by 1014211

When is the AC show?

AC show is Aug 14-17. There will be a substantial Simplicity/AC contingent with a designated garden tractor area on the grounds. I'll post some info in Events if it's not there already. I'll be taking all I can fit in the Yukon and on the trailer. 99% sure what I have going...

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 07/31/2014 : 11:55:50
Originally posted by skunkhome

Originally posted by 1014211

Most people stop for sure and gawk at the weedcutter for a few minutes. But all that orange paint lined up has people coming to check us out regardless. Always meeting friendly people, who have at one time or another owned or had a relative who owned a Simplicity.

down here people stop and look at my tractor ( not so much lately) and comment " that's a nice old tractor... Allison Chambers? .... Is that like a John Deere?"
" It sure mows nice...what is that about 25 hp? "

Thats cute....the "hp" rating on these is often a point of confusion and bewilderment here too, especially with my neighbors who see me using the old tractors so often. Many eventually ask to "borrow" or sometimes buy. Ive learned that answer needs to be no, everytime.

I have the opposite experience with the AC name. It is revered here. I have my AC hat on my head most days, and folks will approach me...at a restaurant, the grocery, while we take the kids and dog for a stroll, gas station etc. Everyone seems to have had or had a grandad who had, an old Allis Chalmers. They are in the fields here in abundance still. Bet I see a half dozen AC ag tractors on my drive home from work each day.

Jon, that just may work out! I have a 535 to get running for my brother in law, so Ill cut my teeth there. I also have a Homelite T-8 (AC built) that needs a total restore, and will be my wife's. I have hung onto my little Squire 6 too, and hope to make that a project with my son a few years down the road.

Next year things will become much easier as we wont have a newborn on our hands.
skunkhome Posted - 07/30/2014 : 20:50:18
Originally posted by 1014211

Most people stop for sure and gawk at the weedcutter for a few minutes. But all that orange paint lined up has people coming to check us out regardless. Always meeting friendly people, who have at one time or another owned or had a relative who owned a Simplicity.

down here people stop and look at my tractor ( not so much lately) and comment " that's a nice old tractor... Allison Chambers? .... Is that like a John Deere?"
" It sure mows nice...what is that about 25 hp? "
1014211 Posted - 07/30/2014 : 13:41:02
Josh, if you come around these parts we may need to see if you could be hired out to restore the Serf 535 I started on and have not found time to finish. I have seen your work and it's great. But we can discuss that later. When is the AC show?
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 07/30/2014 : 12:55:53
Jon, this summer had me pretty limited on show availability, but as long as my wife and I 'behave' a bit, I should be infant free! I would like to come back, and bring a half dozen machines. Ive recently enjoyed displaying a bled of old and new, with unusual attachments, and should have a couple more oddities by next summer.

Im prepping for the big AC show in LaPorte now...will be 3 days for me.

My last show landed me in a similar position as yours. An older couple approached me inquiring about my 64 Landlord. A week later I brought theirs home! I thought mine was in impeccable shape, but theirs was better!

1014211 Posted - 07/29/2014 : 09:48:14
Most people stop for sure and gawk at the weedcutter for a few minutes. But all that orange paint lined up has people coming to check us out regardless. Always meeting friendly people, who have at one time or another owned or had a relative who owned a Simplicity. Never hear them saying negative comments about them, other than complaining about the newer stuff being cheapend up. I really don't know about that, as my 'newest' Simplicity was my first, an early 80's 4211. That thing wasn't as robust as these from the 60's or the Soveriegns from later, but it took all I dished out to it. Anyways, this was a very cool experience, I talked with him for quite a while. I could tell he was very at ease knowing it was going to be taken care of and not beaten up as a 'daily driver' being used for mowing and snow blowing duties regularly. Phil, this tractor definitely found me. I don't see them all the time up here, but you can't search craigslist without finding some kind of Simplicity for sale. Michael & Josh, I think you guys need to come back next year, with the stuff you could display who knows what you could get offers on!! :)
B112 Posted - 07/29/2014 : 07:18:25
Now you see why it pays to sit out at a show! Nice new addition to that collection. I have 4 or 5 Broadmoors desperately needing attention.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 07/29/2014 : 06:49:59
oh wow Jon! isn't that great. I'm not sure what's best...the pristine tractor, or the experience to have someone give you that opportunity.

Very, very cool. The people you meet make prepping and hauling tractors to a show, very worthwhile.
skunkhome Posted - 07/28/2014 : 22:27:10
Nothing like having pristine machines come looking for you. I have to hunt hard to find scrap.
B10Dave Posted - 07/28/2014 : 21:56:01
Great find Jon. A set of front caps and it's golden. Abby must be tickled pink....Dave
Cvans Posted - 07/28/2014 : 21:17:58
Boy Jon that is a beauty. The old guy must have been a stickler about caring for that machine.
1014211 Posted - 07/28/2014 : 19:28:47
Oops! Forgot this picture....

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