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T O P I C    R E V I E W
1014211 Posted - 07/27/2014 : 20:14:07
Here is a couple photos from the tractor show this weekend. The kids had a ball driving their tractors around, I managed to get some pictures even though I walk beside them the entire time. Needless to say I'm pooped! But here are a few photos, all the tractors ran great.

Don't worry, this is my nephew!!

Olivia was so tired she actually fell asleep on my tractor.

This is scary! My boy has grown so much in the past 4 years.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 07/29/2014 : 23:08:52
Won't be long you'll be polishing them up for the grand kids.
B112 Posted - 07/29/2014 : 22:57:59
Originally posted by 1014211

That was really fun meeting you guys.

It was definitely fun all meeting up. I need to sneak away to another show one day. I may get to Michigan in a few weeks, but a quick work visit. The ride on the steam tractor was a fun experience. I have my daughter in a video at the helm of a steam ship where they let the kids drive the boat with the Captain right behind them. I need to get that on Youtube. A 3.5 year old saying "red right return!"
B-16_IC Posted - 07/29/2014 : 17:37:30
Looks like a great weekend for sure. I'm looking forward to the day I can do the same with my little one.
1014211 Posted - 07/28/2014 : 19:13:47
That was really fun meeting you guys. Funny you came the year we had that flood! Yes, those photos always amaze me. Still can't believe I got three out of the four up and running for the show, either! These shows are a lot of work but the memories they give me(and hopefully the kiddos) are definitely worth it.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 07/28/2014 : 14:34:23
Great to hear all went well! They sure are having a good time, it seems.

I will never forget your pictures from the year of the Great Flood...still brings tears to my eyes! I also won't forget the year I was able to meet you and Michael there!
B112 Posted - 07/28/2014 : 07:42:29
Jon, great show! The kids are getting bigger for sure.
Cvans Posted - 07/27/2014 : 23:09:35
Lots of fun and lots of memories. You and your children are very lucky to have each other.
B10Dave Posted - 07/27/2014 : 21:01:52
Great pics Jon. My; how they have grown. Looks like the kids had a fun weekend...Dave

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