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A-C 1036_B-10 Posted - 04/26/2014 : 20:45:51
Well I went to a farm auction today about 5 minutes away from my house. The auction flyer had several farm implements listed but then there was one that caught my eye. It was listed as a cultivator for a lawn tractor. So since I wasn't doing anything else today I decided I would go down there and check it out. I more or less was expecting a Brinly cultivator which I already had but decided that if it went cheap I would buy it and sell it to somebody else or maybe use it to trade with. When I got there however what I saw totally stunned me. It was an almost new looking Homelite spring tooth harrow for the Homelite running board tractors. As soon as I realized what it was I said I had to have it. So I waited about half the day buying a few small items until they came up to the harrow. They started the bid out at fifty and nobody bid and so they kept going down until they got to $25 and that's when I bid.They went on for about another minute or so with no other bids so I won it for $25. It's tines are like new and still have the points on them. The only thing it is missing is the lift rod which should be easy enough to fabricate. Overall I was really happy with my purchase today and just thought I would share it with y'all.here are some pictures of when I got it home.

It still has the original serial number tag as seen in the last picture. It is model number 1600177 and it is serial number 000141.
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A-C 1036_B-10 Posted - 05/31/2014 : 16:13:02
Never thought of that. Good idea Phil. Nate I hadn't seen anybody ever use one in gravel but I'd say it works great for that purpose also.
skunkhome Posted - 05/31/2014 : 10:26:55
I made a couple lift rods out of a stake from a game of horseshoes.
7010b1 Posted - 05/31/2014 : 06:25:28
thats what i have used it for i plant my garden in long rows and run my tractor up and down them. does a great job. i use it the most on the potatos before i changed my garden weed protection. i use it now on the gravel after a good rain, or after a dirt job. it has came in very handy a few times. i have made tool 3 link bars for the Brintly system.
A-C 1036_B-10 Posted - 05/29/2014 : 19:13:34
Nate, that looks like a nice spring tooth and it still has the lift rod. Mine is missing that but yes I believe yours is missing the middle tine but I'd say it would be easier to cultivate over plants with it like that if you wanted to use it for that. It doesn't seem like you see to many parts for the spring tooth harrows although I'm sure somebody has some parts for them.
7010b1 Posted - 05/29/2014 : 10:04:22
heres a few pic of the one i have. i just hope to find some more spring teeth i always thought it needed one in the middle like you have.

A-C 1036_B-10 Posted - 05/23/2014 : 22:46:34
Thanks! Yeah I think I got a good deal on it and I'm hearing some good things about these toolbar implements and I can't wait to try out this one.
7010b1 Posted - 05/23/2014 : 14:05:46
that was a good buy on your harrow. i think i paid close to $100.00 for mine. i do like it a lot.
A-C 1036_B-10 Posted - 04/28/2014 : 20:01:07
Thanks I will be sure and do that. I sure don't want to mess up the harrow. It's kind of odd that I found it because there aren't really any Homelite machines around here other than chainsaws and weed eaters which are very common ( I have one of each).I can't even really think of who would sell Homelite equipment unless they were a dealership all on there own.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/28/2014 : 19:37:31
When you go to mount it, shim out your drawbar on the tractor vs hacking the implement hitch. You have a rare bird there!
A-C 1036_B-10 Posted - 04/28/2014 : 19:11:26
Thanks! This is my first toolbar implement and I'm hoping to try it out on some ground soon. I had never seen a Homelite harrow until I saw this one and when I saw it I had to make it mine.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/28/2014 : 11:47:25
Very cool find! A spring tooth harrow is a great find, much less in Homelite badging. I can't say I've seen one before either!

I agree, the toolbar implements are great...I finally had a chance to use my spring tooth harrow last year, and it worked amazingly well. I was quite suprised, as I was a bit unsure what to expect.
skunkhome Posted - 04/27/2014 : 22:13:09
The tag is fine.... I was hampered by my crummy iphone. I have been forced to update my OS to keep using my apps and now the dang thing is just about useless.
A-C 1036_B-10 Posted - 04/27/2014 : 20:31:35
Thanks for the information Phil. That's interesting to know that it has an AC based number on it. I can try to get a better picture of the builder tag tomorrow so it will be easier to read.
skunkhome Posted - 04/27/2014 : 20:20:41
That harrow has an AC based number on it. Was produced between 1969 and 1974 while AC was building the Homelite tractors in SC. Sorry, I could not read the builder tag on my iPhone.
Cvans Posted - 04/27/2014 : 18:10:39
Nice save! It sure does like it's hardly been used.

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