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 Front hitch on 314

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jay2_45644 Posted - 04/17/2013 : 08:47:46
I need a front ball hitch on my A C 314. I've not found one picture of one. I see the 12 hp has one. I have a few ideals on making one. My question is. How much weight can you push/pull with one on a 314? Any pictures here of it I'm missing? Thanks.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
skunkhome Posted - 01/20/2015 : 20:39:11
I would say that if the electric lift will lift it you should be ok.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 01/16/2015 : 15:40:37
Nope...if you find the limit, let us know!
jay2_45644 Posted - 01/16/2015 : 15:35:22
Yes, it was late.. are there documented weight limits I should stay under with the kid lift?
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 01/15/2015 : 21:05:32
Originally posted by jay2_45644

Ok. The picture is late. [/img]

I gotta say...I had to chuckle! Hey, I cant remember where I parked my car, but you remembered you owed us a picture from 2 years ago! Thats great!
B112 Posted - 01/15/2015 : 12:51:48
Nice lift!
jay2_45644 Posted - 01/15/2015 : 11:36:14
Ok. The picture is late. I added a pic of my homemade skid lift. Haul in firewood with it. Video for lift also.


Richard Posted - 04/21/2013 : 20:16:09
Okay Josh, I've followed you on two forums and I don't ever recall seeing the gold Garden M. Gonna need a whole centerfold spread on that one.
skunkhome Posted - 04/21/2013 : 00:21:17
Originally posted by jay2_45644

Front hitch made...I moved the trailer in between the shed and fence. Worked great. Thanks for all the input..

you know the rule here is the tractor doesn't exist without pictures. Just consider Michael's Tractors the Coffee table book of Forums.
jay2_45644 Posted - 04/20/2013 : 15:55:49
Front hitch made...I moved the trailer in between the shed and fence. Worked great. Thanks for all the input..
Tclark Posted - 04/19/2013 : 23:03:19
Josh can you maybe share some measurements of that weight bracket for the rbt that looks like something i may have to do myself
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/18/2013 : 19:14:25
Ray could come up with somethin...he's fabricated all sorts of stuff for me, and he's a magician with a welder. 700# shouldn't be much of a strain on your machine at all. If there's no inclines involved where you could have a runaway, then you're fine. Tounge weight on that is going to be next to nothin. I'd just bolt something to the front...maybe even a fabbed 2" receiver for your pickup hitch, or just a place for a ball. I routinely move my trailer with the front FDT hitch, and it's dry weight is around 1500#. I can handle my sloped drive and sideyard hill safely in dry conditions.

Ray made this weight carrier system for me...I bolt it on the BRT with 3 grade 8's.

skunkhome Posted - 04/18/2013 : 17:57:12
The the tractor with a front hitch will easily handle 700# on level ground. I don't think that Fdt hitch will fit the 300 series or any other RBT.
Dee Posted - 04/18/2013 : 15:06:43
Contact RayS here:


He builds the rear ball hitch and may build the front version if there is enough interest. The front version is an expanded version of the rear version.
jay2_45644 Posted - 04/18/2013 : 08:41:03
Thanks, I wanted a front ball so I could push my 700 lb trailer between the shed and fence. Only 3'' to spare on each side. I figure I'd never back it straight and then tear down my fence. I didn't want to bend the front bumper on the 314 though.


skunkhome Posted - 04/17/2013 : 22:08:56
If you saw a hitch on a 312 it will be the same as the 314 and the towing capacity would be the same. The ability of any of these tractors has very little to do with the horsepower. It is all about traction and in general the tractor is going to be able to handle more on a rear mounted hitch than on the front since the tongue weight on the rear adds to the traction. Also a rear wheel drive tractor will always have more traction in forward than in reverse due to the fact acceleration of the mass of the traxtor shifts weight to the rear wheels in forward while it shifts it away from the rear wheels in reverse. Consequently the tractor will push more with the front hitch than it will pull.
I can find no specifications on how much one of these tractors is supposed to pull but I have pulled loads approaching 1-1/2 ton on flat ground and up slight inclines. I am sure it would tow my loaded pickup on paved surfaces.

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