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 Another local Clist buy. GILL SPIKER

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
split51 Posted - 05/15/2012 : 18:55:30
I picked this Gill SPIKER up from Clist tonight less than a mile from my house. They were asking 450.00!!!!! WAY TOO MUCH!!!! After a little negotiating, I got them WAY down to a price I thought was reasonable but still a little much until I got to figuring what a new one would cost. And this one was available through AC dealers.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 05/16/2012 : 04:24:38
I hear ya....I wouldn't have been able to pass it up either!
split51 Posted - 05/15/2012 : 21:15:38
Talnted. It has a heavy greasable bearing cup on each end. I will try to take a picture of the bearing cap in a day or so.
I don't know why so much of this stuff is coming out of the woodwork here lately but I do know it is putting a dent in my wallet. LOL. I really need to quit buying this stuff but these pieces are so unique and very addictive. And when will the chance to find them again come around?
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 05/15/2012 : 19:56:55
Very cool! You're hitting the jackpot lately =] I can't say I've ever seen a Gill. Looks like a heavily built piece of equipment, as we've come to expect. The ends look interesting...how is that bearing/mount set up?

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