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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 05/14/2012 : 20:55:56
I hunted one of these down over the winter. It's a 990206 Harrow, and was in great shape. It did have a half dozen layers of various paints, and had some homebrew weight brackets welded on the toolbar. I cut and ground until it returned to OEM, then had the components sandblasted with my Squire load.

It's now been painted up, and I set the original wood bearings aside, as they were getting pretty stressed, and cut some new ones. I've heard these are tough to get good results from, and I'm not even real sure what the best use would be. They may be ideal for hilling. It certainly worked well in my sandy soil. It broke through the top crust and cultivated to a depth of about 4" while rolling the soil nicely.

I hitched her up, and took it through the garden before planting tonite. I tell ya, with the angle I had set, it pulled HARD. My tractor is a bit heavy up front, which probably got me a little losse in the rear, but that disc would really dig under it's own weight. This ground had sat for about 6 weeks and the weeds had started in. Very neat tool!

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