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larry8200 Posted - 04/15/2012 : 18:08:55
My sisters is in the middle of a pair of 50 acre hay fields, and with "150 or so" acres (thats what the deed says!) There is plenty of room to play, and they even supply the gas!

At one point the hydrolift stopped working, or just wouldn't lift the plow with 50 pounds of weeds and dirt stuck to it. It was having problems scouring the blade at one point.. Although the blade isn't fully cleaned up yet.

Good sized garden here, about 20 x 100, and with a 40 acre field right there there is room to grow. Took about 45 minuites actual time with plow. No problems with roots or rocks.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 04/15/2012 : 20:22:43
It looks like in the pictures the plow was raised in one to clear some obstruction and the other was just starting a new furrow and the plow hadn't dug in yet.
larry8200 Posted - 04/15/2012 : 20:17:46
Yes, I'm letting the plow float. Definitely not trying to control its depth with the tractor. This soil here was to dry and crumbly and didn't turn well. I set the plow at a much shallower depth than I started with. was shooting for 6"-8" today
B-16_IC Posted - 04/15/2012 : 20:07:36
So I'm guessing you're going back with the tiller later? If the gas is free why not!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/15/2012 : 20:03:34
It sure does...the rear of that plow is sticking up out of the ground, whereas I thought they were to run in the furrow, parallel to the level ground within, to keep the plow running straight. I don't care much for running a coulter on grassy or weedy ground either...seems to limit operation and junk builds up between that and the plow. I'm sure everyone has their own setup, but I've heard a lot of good things about keeping that angle such that the front of the share is only about 1/4" lower that the rear of the landside, when in the furrow. Seems a good point to start at.
skunkhome Posted - 04/15/2012 : 19:46:22
Larry are you running your lift on float or trying to use it to gauge the depth? The reason I ask is it may just be an illusion but the plow looks like it has a pretty hefty attack angle.

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