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 69 Sovereigns ??

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larry8200 Posted - 04/06/2012 : 16:56:04
Nope, not yet, but Wednesdays catch makes 2 VERY nice 69 Sovereigns and a third thats a basket case

Wednesdays I almost didn't go after. Was pretty broke and it was in Newport, VT. 276 miles Round trip. But I had $335 in it setting in my driveway, and have put a battery, points, fluids, and a 4 hour cleaning into it.

My basket case 3212H has a freshly gone through hydrolift and is going on Wednesdays, which had hydrolift and still has the engine pulley and BGB mount on it

I have to grin a little.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 04/07/2012 : 09:47:00
Originally posted by acb10_64

Larry - That cleaned up very nice! I take it tractor collecting season is in up there again??

Always in! Sometimes on hold or patiently waiting for sellers to realize they aren't going to get $1,000 for these machines unless they have some rare attachments and accessories

And this tractor wasn't running, had no history, and is a plain jane. Not even a rear lift. A half decent (maybe)42" deck and thats it.

My BIG TEN, a more collectable tractor thats also more original, HAH!!! This 3212H was supposed to be "original" but all paint has been redone at least once, seat has been redone, and only 1 decal and the hoodstripe are left.....

Anyway, mt BIG TEN is listed on CL for $500 OBRO, and no bites or even nibbles on it. Nor do I really expect too without dropping the price to $300

I doulbt I could get much more than $500 for this either
acb10_64 Posted - 04/07/2012 : 08:20:15
Larry - That cleaned up very nice! I take it tractor collecting season is in up there again??
B10Dave Posted - 04/06/2012 : 19:49:09
Larry. Stuff isn't hidden at your place. I know exactly where you live! LOL Dave
larry8200 Posted - 04/06/2012 : 19:36:25
Originally posted by adamf203

Newport is a nice area. Headed up there the second week in May. Might have to convince my co-worker to let me bring home a tractor if things like this are hidden up there. LOL

Newport is nice, its still late winter there, the lake wasn't thawed, and everything was still completely brown.

As for hidden up there, This is the only one I was watching there. But you can believe me, there is great stuff hidden all over. Like out back here! LOL
adamf203 Posted - 04/06/2012 : 19:03:59
Newport is a nice area. Headed up there the second week in May. Might have to convince my co-worker to let me bring home a tractor if things like this are hidden up there. LOL

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