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 Breaking in the moldboard

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larry8200 Posted - 04/01/2012 : 07:05:09
Took half an hour, 3/4 throttle, 2nd gear and the variable at the top plenty of power and traction. Going to set up the coultier next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
adamf203 Posted - 04/03/2012 : 15:01:06
Plus part of the fun of these tractors is the hunt for finding the attachments and other add-on's. Nothing better than finding something that is Simplicity or AC that someone doesnt even realize what it is or who made it. Thats why most of the time on CL I just go to the farm&garden section rather than searching the keywords... you never know what you might find hidden.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/03/2012 : 12:02:54
I'm right there with ya! Though I make exceptions for attachments that were shown as 'approved' in the original literature like the MacKissic shredders, Earthcavators and E-Z Rakes. Just something neat about the way these things originally were setup. If it weren't for that vintage appeal, I'd probably have only 2 RBT's and a lot more available work space, rather than a fleet of stuff I look for an excuse to use now and then.
adamf203 Posted - 04/03/2012 : 11:12:41

Adam, I know you're a bit of a purist...here' sthe manual for the 990204 plow


LOL, if I am going to buy something, I'd rather it be official.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 04/03/2012 : 07:39:02
Originally posted by cschmidt62
Looks like the coulter is on backwards

Yup, and it's gonna want to bend. Better flip that around before breaking ground. I've seen lots of screwy setups on these simple implements =]

Adam, I know you're a bit of a purist...here' sthe manual for the 990204 plow

And here is the proper hitch setup for use on the B-1/725 vs later Landlord/B-series models. Guessing there's a slight alignment difference between the hitches on those machines, or perhaps it's to position the furrow differently for the narrower machines
cschmidt62 Posted - 04/03/2012 : 06:55:21
Originally posted by adamf203

Originally posted by skunkhome

Originally posted by adamf203

I actually just got back from pennslyvannia this morning picking up a moldboard plow. 2 hr drive, but for $90 I couldnt say no.

That looks like an original Simplicity too.

Phil I believe that it is - it matches the attachment manual I have. It looks like someone painted it at somepoint the wrong color though.

Looks like the coulter is on backwards
adamf203 Posted - 04/01/2012 : 19:53:00
Originally posted by skunkhome

Originally posted by adamf203

I actually just got back from pennslyvannia this morning picking up a moldboard plow. 2 hr drive, but for $90 I couldnt say no.

That looks like an original Simplicity too.

Phil I believe that it is - it matches the attachment manual I have. It looks like someone painted it at somepoint the wrong color though.
olcowhand Posted - 04/01/2012 : 19:32:09
Originally posted by adamf203

Daniel, what is the correct way to measure the plow?

This one is an 8"er. Measure to imaginary line with rearmost tip of the share parallel to the cutting edge line.
skunkhome Posted - 04/01/2012 : 19:19:21
Originally posted by adamf203

I actually just got back from pennslyvannia this morning picking up a moldboard plow. 2 hr drive, but for $90 I couldnt say no.

That looks like an original Simplicity too.
adamf203 Posted - 04/01/2012 : 18:35:10
Daniel, what is the correct way to measure the plow?
olcowhand Posted - 04/01/2012 : 18:24:44
I bought a nearly brand new 10" Brinly this winter for just $80. The owner claimed it as a 12" plow, and on the phone I even explained how to measure it, in detail, and he said it was indeed a 12". I drove 65 miles & it was a 10" like the 2 I already owned. He wanted $100 for it, but I told him I didn't need a 3rd 10" plow, then he offered it for $80. I couldn't refuse that! The coulter has 100% of it's paint, and 90+% of the paint was still on the moldboard! They had tried putting the coulter on wrong by spreading the two beams apart, then slipping the coulter shaft into it. I have NO idea why they couldn't figure out the simple bracket, so that's likely why they sold it. The way they had tried using it would simply not work. I may just hang onto all 3 until I can get a 12" plow. Selling 1 or 2 of the 10" will help finance a 12"er.
adamf203 Posted - 04/01/2012 : 15:46:37
I actually just got back from pennslyvannia this morning picking up a moldboard plow. 2 hr drive, but for $90 I couldnt say no.

Larry's got me jealous, want to go turn some soil now!
olcowhand Posted - 04/01/2012 : 15:01:21
I could fit you in somewhere Phil!
larry8200 Posted - 04/01/2012 : 13:15:23
A plow day would be great, KY a little far for me, never know though.

If you look, you can see this is an established strip garden, about 70' x 10' the last 3 rows plowed were established turf and would have been easier with the coulter set up correctly. Now it is 70' x 14' The nice new clean plow went easily through all, and picked maybe 4 rocks in the 4"-6" range. Nothing really

I have 2 sets of disks I hope to play with here, but probably not going to get both set up opposed. The biggest problem I see doing a double disk is it will be to long and heavy to lift on the sleeve hitch
skunkhome Posted - 04/01/2012 : 10:07:04
Originally posted by olcowhand

I love to plow! In fact, I plan to have a "Plow Day" this fall. I'll post more when I know more, but likely late October. To give you guys an idea as to where, Ky zip code is 42748.
Larry, that looks like awfully nice rich soil!

That sounds great, do you have room for campers? October is usually very busy for us but would love a plow day.
skunkhome Posted - 04/01/2012 : 10:01:27
Larry looks like a great breakin. The coulter will really ease the breaking in most soils, however I have seen some so rock hard that they have to remove the coulter all together to just to keep it from rolling the mould board out of the ground. Did you encounter many rocks. I end up running about 1/2 thRottle in second high or third mid. Of course this is in soil that has been in cultivation for four years and has little sod.
After polishing up your plow in the soil we used to use axle Grease but I now use boilers linseed oil which is better environmentally and gives a more lasting protection in off season. How about a shot of the face of your plow.

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