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acdad Posted - 03/27/2012 : 15:22:05
Here is the 7117 converted to 914 Hydro machine that I have done a minor restoration on. I still have to replace the hood with a spare I have that is straighter and put new 914H decals on it (current hood is from a 917H). I am amazed at the difference in power from the 10 horse FDT's I have. This thing has a ton of power and it moved the wet heavy snow effortlessly with the FDT snowblower on it. I still have to fabricate a bracket for the snowblower's engagement rod.

Love the hydro and hyraulic lift. Very happy with the tractor, but it sure is a monster in size compared to the FDT'S.


And after.....

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
19luna57 Posted - 03/30/2012 : 10:59:28
Seems the most logical answer would be make addition to shed and make sure better half has extra storage included.Hope this HELPS Phil
cschmidt62 Posted - 03/30/2012 : 08:08:36
Another tip for having a long married life (This year will make 29 for me) is to allways remember that no matter what the issue is it's ALWAYS YOUR FAULT!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/29/2012 : 19:56:02
Originally posted by skunkhome

Chris, You just need to work on putting in the last word, "What ever you say Dear".

I was told this at my wedding reception by 3 or 4 of my uncles. I gave them a courtesy laugh.

Now, I share the same wisdom with other young men. Apparently, it was not a joke.
skunkhome Posted - 03/29/2012 : 09:37:20
Chris, You just need to work on putting in the last word, "What ever you say Dear".
cschmidt62 Posted - 03/29/2012 : 08:26:25
Originally posted by acdad

Originally posted by brindar

I still think you're better off getting rid of the craftsman and keeping the B-10! ;)

I sure wish I could convince her of that Brian!

Sometimes a man just has to put his foot down! Of course when I do she usually stomps on it.
acdad Posted - 03/29/2012 : 06:34:49
Originally posted by brindar

I still think you're better off getting rid of the craftsman and keeping the B-10! ;)

I sure wish I could convince her of that Brian!
brindar Posted - 03/29/2012 : 00:22:41
I still think you're better off getting rid of the craftsman and keeping the B-10! ;)
cschmidt62 Posted - 03/28/2012 : 21:57:47
Originally posted by acdad

Originally posted by cschmidt62

Great looking conversion...my only question is why are you mowing with a Craftsman? I mow with a 17GTH-L (which is basicly the 7117H) and a 7017H. Both do a superior job to my Mother-in-law's 3 year old Craftsman.

We have 3 kids, 2 dogs and a pool. Wife didnt want grass clippings coming in the house so we did some research and she bought me an '09 23hp Craftsman (made by Husqvarna not MTD) with a triple bagger on the back. Picks up everything and sometimes I even pull a lawn striper behind it to get that old AC striping effect

Lol...I knew there had to be more to the story than just a superior cut. As I always say...if mama aint happy, nobody's happy
acdad Posted - 03/28/2012 : 15:20:41
Originally posted by cschmidt62

Great looking conversion...my only question is why are you mowing with a Craftsman? I mow with a 17GTH-L (which is basicly the 7117H) and a 7017H. Both do a superior job to my Mother-in-law's 3 year old Craftsman.

We have 3 kids, 2 dogs and a pool. Wife didnt want grass clippings coming in the house so we did some research and she bought me an '09 23hp Craftsman (made by Husqvarna not MTD) with a triple bagger on the back. Picks up everything and sometimes I even pull a lawn striper behind it to get that old AC striping effect
cschmidt62 Posted - 03/28/2012 : 07:34:22
Great looking conversion...my only question is why are you mowing with a Craftsman? I mow with a 17GTH-L (which is basicly the 7117H) and a 7017H. Both do a superior job to my Mother-in-law's 3 year old Craftsman.
acdad Posted - 03/28/2012 : 05:52:27
Originally posted by B10Dave

Looking good Chris; but you are going to have to find a round Kohler air filter housing to finish the job. If I am seeing your picture properly your's is sort of triangular??? Dave

Yes Dave, the original Kohler twin 17 Series II had thrown both rods, so the transplant Kohler 14hp engine was from a Green tractor , hence the triangular air filter cover. It still has the round filter inside just another large tube coming from the flywheel shroud area.

And Phil, I have always been partial to the AC versions because of sentimental value when I was growing up. I spent a lot of time in the Uncles AC Lawn and GT dealer and most of the family and neighborhood all had AC's. By the way Phil, I have and awesome B10 for sale thats perfect for you. Hook up your trailer to that new motor home and head north.....

Al, I learned a ton from the great people on this site over the past few years. Also, the snow pic is from when I first got it the tractor and it was under a cover outside and the grass pic was taken a few days ago here and we never really had a winter this year in WNY. I only got to use the snow blower once
lobsta1 Posted - 03/28/2012 : 01:23:02
I envy the knowledge & skills you guys display. My ??? is: why are you mowing the snow & blowing the grass?:)
B10Dave Posted - 03/27/2012 : 23:01:47
Looking good Chris; but you are going to have to find a round Kohler air filter housing to finish the job. If I am seeing your picture properly your's is sort of triangular??? Dave
skunkhome Posted - 03/27/2012 : 22:01:46
Chris, You need to not be trying to fool everyone like that. BTW: they always look great in A/C orange.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/27/2012 : 20:08:45
I like that loooong hood look. I'm betting your 914 feels much longer than anything I've driven. My 3212H feels like a cadillac vs my round hoods. The 716-6 does too, but I believe the 9's are longer yet. I've never driven a Sunstrand either, or used a late model hydrolift. All in due time, I suppose!

I have a very nice B10 (excellent body) out back, a full Vickers rear end (with cone clutch/BGB, wide rims/turfs and all the control levers and linkages), a hydrolift, and a 16 Briggs all waiting to me smooshed together. It will be fun to bang together a worker vs a beauty queen =]

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