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 Ark 515 Loader for AC 300/400 Tractors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mack Posted - 03/22/2012 : 21:40:52
After a long road trip (1,463 miles) I came home with this loader last night. Spent today getting it hooked up and running. I am very happy with the way it looks and performs so far. Planning on building a tractor dedicated to this loader in the near future.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
sammiefish Posted - 03/30/2012 : 19:21:34
Originally posted by Mack

[quote]I saw two large frame tillers and a B series snow thrower still in their original boxes. Brand new 40+ year old Goodyear tires. Just some really nice stuff!

wish i knew about some of that stuff... coulda used a pair of tires...

Mack, i did just order a set of 4 Carlisle lugs for the loader tractor...

Interesting note... no more super lugs in the 23x10.5x12.. TruPower only... supposedly super lugs are discontinued as per Tucker Tire...
I couldnt find the Supers anywhere else either...
Mack Posted - 03/25/2012 : 08:12:32
B112 Posted - 03/24/2012 : 22:57:50
Adam couldn't have hooked up a better guy with parts to make his passion complete

Thank you Michael.

Adam did a very good job of rescuing some incredibly nice pieces! I only had a short time to view some of the items he recovered. I saw two large frame tillers and a B series snow thrower still in their original boxes. Brand new 40+ year old Goodyear tires. Just some really nice stuff!
B112 Posted - 03/24/2012 : 22:57:50
Adam couldn't have hooked up a better guy with parts to make his passion complete
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/24/2012 : 18:42:05
Originally posted by gearhead19

Congratulations Mack, that is a whale of a find!! Could we see some close-up shots of the pump? I'm curious where the pump mounts..


gearhead19 Posted - 03/24/2012 : 07:58:41
Congratulations Mack, that is a whale of a find!! Could we see some close-up shots of the pump? I'm curious where the pump mounts..

adamf203 Posted - 03/24/2012 : 06:44:48
Originally posted by B-16_IC

Wow, that thing is amazing! Hard to understand why it never got used, expensive attachment to leave sit idle.

It, alomg with about 4 more truck loads of stuff from this dealer was never used.

The story from the family was that it was ordered for a customer, and the customer never ended up coming back to get it. The loader sat in the back corner of the building without ever being moved.

When I got it, as mack said, it had 40 years of grime on it - but thats what kept it in great condition. The hadrware was there, the pulley, the v - belt... this was literally frozen in time as if it was just received from the dealer.

This place was a once in a lifetime find - and Mack got a once in a lifetime loader :)
B-16_IC Posted - 03/23/2012 : 23:43:36
Wow, that thing is amazing! Hard to understand why it never got used, expensive attachment to leave sit idle.
Mack Posted - 03/23/2012 : 21:11:30
Originally posted by adamf203

Wow that looks so familar (it was in my garage in CT on Wednesday, and on a tractor in Ohio by Friday LOL!). Glad you like it and it found a home on a 300 series tractor without having been cut up to fit another.

Actually Adam, it was on a tractor in Ohio on Thursday!
Tclark Posted - 03/23/2012 : 21:08:56
you know mack i have two willing 314's in my shed that are just wailting to be a designated loader tractor. lol;)
adamf203 Posted - 03/23/2012 : 20:47:10
Wow that looks so familar (it was in my garage in CT on Wednesday, and on a tractor in Ohio by Friday LOL!). Glad you like it and it found a home on a 300 series tractor without having been cut up to fit another.
olcowhand Posted - 03/23/2012 : 19:13:12
NOS! Well craps, no wonder it looks so good! After the scrubbing of course. Now how rare a find is that!
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/23/2012 : 17:46:36
So, so cool! Just the paper work is one of a kind! Will it hurt to scratch her up, or are you going to keep her 'fresh'?
Mack Posted - 03/23/2012 : 15:45:51
Has about 40 years worth of grime on it.

Took several refills of the 409 degreaser and some serious work with a scrub brush to get it looking like this!

Mack Posted - 03/23/2012 : 15:09:59

sammiefish Posted - 03/23/2012 : 14:11:06
very nice...
next time you find a NOS loader...
let me know....

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