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 Play Date...E-Z Rake

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/18/2012 : 19:46:15
Had a 50/50 chance of storms today, and some family obligations (new niece born last nite!) so I opted out of doing any painting today. When I got some free time, I figured I'd play a bit instead, and got the E-Z Rake setup for it's maiden voyage.

Here's some brochure pics...mine is all there with the exception of the belt guard

I got this off an retired AC dealer in Western PA back in December, and haven't had a chance to hook her up until now. I had to fiddle with some bushings, to properly align the driven pulley with the hitch assembly, but it mounts just like a blower or Weedcutter.

Same style push pull engagement...

The rake was never designed with lift capability for the B's, but I had to add that, to get over and around some edges and obstacles. I found a bracket that someone had mounted a headlight to one of my other machines with, and it worked like a charm, giving adequate clearance over the drive shaft on the Rake. I didn't drill a single hole in the Rake to mount it..

All in all, it's a fantasic attachment. It's simple and very effective (once I figured out the proper belt length) It is far superior to the Revitalizer for thatching, but doesn't aerate quite as well, nor is it designed to. I think the two in unison would really be a phenomenal duo!

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ASEguy Posted - 03/25/2012 : 21:01:29
Gosh Josh, you're killin me! You seem to be in a target rich environment. I am envious! By the way you're B-110 looks very good with the chains and weights. I now have another item to add to my wishlist since I have zoysia. It's right behind a blade and a snowthrower. By the way I found a good way for my wife to not say a word when I buy tractor parts...I bought her a newer Dodge Grand Caravan...and make the payments.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/21/2012 : 13:58:56
Vac is inbound from CT as we speak! (thank you Adam!)

Last fall I thatched with the Revitalizer, and just multched all the crud. My lawn needs all the nutrients it can get, but now Im thinking it is in need of air, so I do plan on pulling a bunch of thatch out this spring.
cschmidt62 Posted - 03/21/2012 : 05:51:41
I have one and have used it on my nearly one acre yard. Your gonna need something to pick up the thatch as it pulls up a bunch of it. I follow up with the vac on another tractor. They do a great job.
19luna57 Posted - 03/20/2012 : 23:53:25
Thats unique if it's ever been invented,Never seen the like on garden tractor. Thanks for the pics of something new to me. Phil
acdad Posted - 03/20/2012 : 06:28:28
Thats awesome Josh. I too have never seen ont of those.
split51 Posted - 03/18/2012 : 20:08:50
That's a cool piece. I had never seen that implement before.

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