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 32" Tiller Project (Completed)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
acb10_64 Posted - 03/01/2012 : 19:40:34
Tore my tiller apart in December to replace a suspected broken chain. Turned out the #50 chain had indeed broken. So i got a new chain and cleaned the case out and greased everything liberally. Got a gasket about a month later for it as the gasket was on backorder.
Today was nice out so i decided to get everything sandblasted.
There is a lot of rust and pitting on the inside of the cover/shield so i primered that today as well. Will add more pics when i get it painted.
I hope to have it ready for the gardening season.

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
acb10_64 Posted - 04/02/2012 : 09:06:25
I got my gasket from my Simplicity/ AGCO dealer. They had to order it and took about a month to get it. Sounds like a broken chain to me, as my tiller acted the same way when the chain broke.
davegreise Posted - 04/01/2012 : 08:50:21
I have a 1760 AGCO Allis. The tiller stopped turning just as I got about 15 feet in garden. Now the pulley wheel spins freely and the tines on tiller spin freely. Where can I get the gasket since I suspect broken chain also? Thanks,

Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/25/2012 : 10:49:47
How the heck did I miss that! I wasn't aware Ace matched paint. I'll have to try them sometime soon! I want a match made for my early Simplicity stuff...that red-ish orange they used on the Wonderboy's and walk behinds.
acb10_64 Posted - 03/25/2012 : 09:56:14
Josh it is a custom match.
Here is link to formula.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/25/2012 : 07:31:33
Looks real good Wes! It might be in your tractor resto topics, but what paint did you land on for this project? I like the color.
sammiefish Posted - 03/25/2012 : 05:54:07
that sure is the B's knees!
acb10_64 Posted - 03/24/2012 : 21:44:00
Got it done and back together. Made my own belt release, think it will work fine. Hope to try it out once the rain stops.

acb10_64 Posted - 03/04/2012 : 10:45:58
Originally posted by Cvans

Looks great Wes. Tilling in the garden is one of my favorite things to do. Yours should run like new when your done.

I agree. Can't wait to do some tilling. Not sure what the weather will do, has been one of the strangest winters i can remember.

Thanks guys!
Cvans Posted - 03/02/2012 : 12:15:01
Looks great Wes. Tilling in the garden is one of my favorite things to do. Yours should run like new when your done.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 03/02/2012 : 06:50:06
Very nice...most of those old girls are in narly condition. The one I had was pretty thin at the very bottom, and I was able to push my finger through the rusted case. Worked like a champ, but had seen better days. You have a nice solid one there!
B10Dave Posted - 03/01/2012 : 22:42:46
Nice work Wes. Looking forward to the finished pics. Dave
larry8200 Posted - 03/01/2012 : 21:22:49
Looking good. You should have that up and running in plenty of time for spring.

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