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T O P I C    R E V I E W
larry8200 Posted - 02/15/2012 : 14:52:15
Somebody asked how much the electric lift will lift. This is about 150 pounds without the bucket or sleeve hitch and thats max. It just barely raised. The front wheels were noticebly light too.

Hey Jon, It took me ten months, but the engine in the bucket is the one broke a ring out of my Sovereign 6 speed, 7016-6, and I finally found another 16 to put in while I rebuild the old one. Then I'll have a spare!!

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
larry8200 Posted - 02/15/2012 : 17:30:03
Originally posted by 1014211

Would love to get my now 7012 back to it's original 7016!!!!

I had to buy a whole tractor to get the engine. I like my 12's but the 16's rule! Have patiece and you'll find one.

I'm guessing that engine ways 140 with the S/G on it. Its all I want to lift anymore, and ALL that electric lift wanted to lift too, and the 5 gallon can is full so another 35 pounds probably...
1014211 Posted - 02/15/2012 : 16:51:54
Would love to get my now 7012 back to it's original 7016!!!!
Cvans Posted - 02/15/2012 : 16:42:32
I'll tell you what. 150lbs at that distance from the lift equals a lot of weight. Nice setup.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 02/15/2012 : 14:54:57
Sure do like that setup! A back saver for sure.

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