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 Wondering What You Guys Think Of This? 515

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Sim-Chalmers Posted - 01/07/2012 : 16:48:01
Well this guy just lives about a hour away,he has had this for sale for about 3 mounths now and I just was wanting some input on what you guys think about it,I have heard over and over from people it ran when it was parked,so basically until I hear it run the motor is junk,and the motor might be good but I would not give a running price,I am sure it will need tires also,I know what I give for my 515 and it was less than half of that,but just curious what you guys thought of this price,hear is the link http://knoxville.craigslist.org/grd/2752782084.html
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Sim-Chalmers Posted - 01/08/2012 : 08:30:58
Thanks guys for your input,I just hate to see the little thing go to waste,I wasn't going to give 125 for it,but it does have some things on it mine doesn't the handle to raise and lower the deck,was an option,for what ever reason they had in there heads at the time most of the 515 I see dont have it,even the original ads on simple tractors show just like mine a simple hook on the frame to hold the deck up,I am sure one off of a 535 or maybe a 616 would work but finding one is a problem around here,I am not really into the little tractors myself my 515 is the first little one I have ever owned,but they do grow on you and they are a simple design to work on,I was just always into a shaft drive and garden tractor but I do like my 515,anway thanks again guys for your input on the price
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 01/07/2012 : 23:23:04
I really think the little tractors are neat....the smaller, the neater. BUT, it seems like they aare either $50 and sold, or $300+ and listed for months around here. My preference would be toward a Serf, simply due to the size and novelty of it.
1014211 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 21:53:41
I like these small tractors and have a 535, 616, 728 & an early Broadmoor. They suprise me constantly how much work they can do. If you have a small yard and still have tractor fever I say go for it and have fun with it. Now, I will agree $125 seems steep for that in the condition it is in. I paid $300 for my 616, and it can mow, pull or plow snow and always starts. It's in great shape though. Sorry, rambling. I do love the little tractors, and so my kids that are on the receiving end... :)

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larry8200 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 18:58:10
"I was mowing the front yard and found two cars and this priceless rusty lawn tractor $125 firm". If you don't buy it for $125 I'll let the grass grow up around it for another 10 years and sell it for $250....

Couldn't have said it better!!!
skunkhome Posted - 01/07/2012 : 18:16:00
$125 seem a bit proud for small, small frame running or not. Of course I'm not much of a fan anyway. If you are going to ask that much for something why not try to show the buyers you think it is worth something and haul it out of the woodlot and clean some to the crap off it.

Why not just put in the ad "I was mowing the front yard and found two cars and this priceless rusty lawn tractor $125 firm". If you don't buy it for $125 I'll let the grass grow up around it for another 10 years and sell it for $250
larry8200 Posted - 01/07/2012 : 17:57:48
I wouldn't go $125 if it was running unless it was next door and I knew its history
Sim-Chalmers Posted - 01/07/2012 : 17:35:08
I think the hi and lo is the standard trans also,my 515 says hi and lo no 1st or 2nd,but it is just one reverse gear but there was an optional hi and low range pulley drive for these,they are pretty scarce and yes he does sound like a charming man mr green
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 01/07/2012 : 17:24:34
Non-running, probably not. I think the HiLo is simply what he calls the standards transmission. I believe they only had 2 forward and 2 reverse speeds, but the shifter says 'HI' and 'LO'. His way of putting together an ad makes him sound like a real charming fellow. =/
oldsarge Posted - 01/07/2012 : 17:18:41
With Hi-Lo ,...Maybe.

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