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 will this fit a b10

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
uglyallis21 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 13:30:02
do you guys think this plow will fit a b10 big ten, thanks nick
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
uglyallis21 Posted - 12/31/2011 : 11:25:56
well im going to get the plow at 2 today
larry8200 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 19:15:08
Originally posted by wlewis379

Originally posted by uglyallis21

okay thank you i thought i could see simplicity orange under some of the varnish


Far as I know they did not paint the plow orange. I bought one new for my 7790 and the original color is black. 30.00 bucks is cheap grab it, if you don't use it you can sell it for more than you paid for it.

Thats a 60's FDT plow, and they and the dozer blade both were painted orange through the mid-late 70's
uglyallis21 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 18:42:00
o okay, yeah im definitely trying to get it
wlewis379 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 18:01:59
Originally posted by uglyallis21

okay thank you i thought i could see simplicity orange under some of the varnish


Far as I know they did not paint the plow orange. I bought one new for my 7790 and the original color is black. 30.00 bucks is cheap grab it, if you don't use it you can sell it for more than you paid for it.
uglyallis21 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 17:55:04
i know it killing me that i cant get a hold of the owner
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 12/30/2011 : 17:01:54
They dont get cheaper than that....unless you have one given to you.
uglyallis21 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 14:28:12
I cant get a hold of the guy,the ad is pretty old do so hopefully its still there
cschmidt62 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 14:24:46
Better snatch it up for $30.00
uglyallis21 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 13:49:40
okay thank you i thought i could see simplicity orange under some of the varnish
larry8200 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 13:34:00
Yes, looks like a Simplicity FDT plow and will fit any large frame Simplicity tractor from a 725 to 3212H

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