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larry8200 Posted - 12/29/2011 : 13:23:24
And put the winch to good use too. Blew the 30 amp fuse pulling the B-10 out of the frozen ground, but thats what its for. Had that winch on there since 2001, 10 years of trouble free use. The cable is a pain to keep nice. You jhave to keep rewinding it all the time. But, well worth it!!!!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
simplicityacnut Posted - 12/30/2011 : 17:18:07
yeah thats what i was thinkin lol
larry8200 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 13:29:56
Oh its possible, but you might well find a donor tractor locally for what the freight bill would be for mine, probably close to $300.00
simplicityacnut Posted - 12/30/2011 : 13:24:41
im in central illinois so i dont know if it would be possible for me to buy it lol
larry8200 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 10:47:55
Yup, that looks like a solid 500 pounder, and good use for the forks too.

That could be any one of the 100's of granite nuggets I'm the proud owner of. And very close to what I'm looking for in a loader, you should bring it by and give a demo. :)
midnightpumpkin Posted - 12/30/2011 : 10:38:01

You mean rocks like this? I estimated this one at 500 pounds.

John U
larry8200 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 10:08:23
Originally posted by olcowhand

.....Larry, you just have to get a loader. You'll never know how you got by without one, once you have a loader!


No question about it. Your Massey looks a nice size. I am not convinced that a L-10 or L-12 loader would work for me, oh it would work, but I have a lot of 500 pound rocks here. I have worked with the loader on my neighbors 26hp Kubota CUT, which was very light duty, and the whole package didn't have much appeal to me.

I think the smallest tractor/loader I would be happy with long term would be on a minimum of say, a Cub Lo-Boy.

Then I have to be able to truck it, and a bare Lo-Boy would really be pushing my trailer, if it would fit at all.

A lot of considerations. Now if a nice 9020 with a loader were to drop out of the clear blue sky..... :)

olcowhand Posted - 12/30/2011 : 09:35:39
This way is much easier! I loaded everything on this trailer with my Massey w/FEL. Larry, you just have to get a loader. You'll never know how you got by without one, once you have a loader!

larry8200 Posted - 12/30/2011 : 07:44:39
Originally posted by simplicityacnut

i need a hydro for that 716 i posted a picture of earlier this week,i have everything else for it,even tires and wheels lol

I have a complete Sundstrand rear end out of a 7018/718 with a blown engine for sale.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 12/30/2011 : 06:46:22
Yeah, sure beats wrenchin your back! I can't count how many times I've needed a winch. Then I bought one, problem solved. I've never 'needed' one since, but have played with it a bit to make sure it still works =]
acb10_64 Posted - 12/29/2011 : 23:40:08
Now that's the easy way to load scrap! Nice Work!
simplicityacnut Posted - 12/29/2011 : 23:11:18
i need a hydro for that 716 i posted a picture of earlier this week,i have everything else for it,even tires and wheels lol
larry8200 Posted - 12/29/2011 : 23:08:13
Originally posted by simplicityacnut

hey man i need that tranny ur about to take away lol

A froze shuttle with a 4 speed? Or the 3 speed that has a 6" crack? I can do MUCH better than that. Try me! LOL
simplicityacnut Posted - 12/29/2011 : 22:59:56
hey man i need that tranny ur about to take away lol
larry8200 Posted - 12/29/2011 : 21:59:33
Originally posted by midnightpumpkin

One man's junk is another man's treasure!

John U

Yeh, and when you have way to much "treasure" it becomes a burden...
midnightpumpkin Posted - 12/29/2011 : 21:42:01
One man's junk is another man's treasure!

John U

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