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larry8200 Posted - 12/20/2011 : 16:03:33
Was seeing if I could use the dozer blade on my 7112H to scrape some loose rocks off my driveway, but the K301S decided to oil the dozer blade and front of the tractor instead. Did a very nice job too. Front crank seal is gone. Not gone, missing, as in fell out. :(

My BIG TEN was delighted to pick up the slack, and we had so much fun that we played with the town road afterwards. What a little beast. About 1/3 throttle in second gear and there is no stopping her. Guess the chains are going back on and she's going to be my number one snow plow this winter. :)

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
simplicityacnut Posted - 12/28/2011 : 21:52:49
yeah u cant beat the old cast iron briggs
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 12/28/2011 : 19:07:56
Joe, that's a steal and a half! I found one here for $250, but it was a bit too far for me to get to fast enough. I'm looking for one for a future project. I do know of a new 16 Briggs for $500, which looks like a very good price for a new one vs other asking prices I've seen.
joe fess Posted - 12/23/2011 : 16:04:18
I bought a complete 16 hp on ebay for $150. It now runs my loader in my Big 10. I have original muffler to sell,send PM.

freddie Posted - 12/21/2011 : 23:34:14
The 16hp are hard to find up here. And sorry don't want to get rid of them. I use them in my pulling tractors. And to rebuild them is around $600/800 but you can find them on flee bay some times.
1014211 Posted - 12/21/2011 : 21:39:05
Freddie, if your running short on space you can send me one of those 16's so my 7016 is correct again.... :)
freddie Posted - 12/21/2011 : 17:25:56
i think i have about 8 or 10 spare 10hp briggs around here 4 16hp and 3 9hp all briggs.
larry8200 Posted - 12/20/2011 : 21:31:48
Originally posted by Talntedmrgreen

Originally posted by larry8200
Yeh, thes old round hoods have to be the hardest working, toughest tractors to ever be called a 10 horse.

I'm amazed by them constantly...the reliability, performance and smooth opertation. They do a LOT of work. Nothing much newer than the old Briggs singles really yanks my chain. I just like them.

But the 32 CID Briggs singles are the same setup, and work proportionally harder. My 3416H usually doesn't have to work, just loaf... Thousand pound lawnmower with a 300 pound operator.
Talntedmrgreen Posted - 12/20/2011 : 21:10:52
Originally posted by larry8200
Yeh, thes old round hoods have to be the hardest working, toughest tractors to ever be called a 10 horse.

I'm amazed by them constantly...the reliability, performance and smooth opertation. They do a LOT of work. Nothing much newer than the old Briggs singles really yanks my chain. I just like them.
larry8200 Posted - 12/20/2011 : 19:52:21
Originally posted by acb10_64

Good thing i got two 10 HP's here!
Nice work!

I'm certain I'm not the only one who wouldn't mind seeing more of your "10 HP's"
acb10_64 Posted - 12/20/2011 : 19:37:12
Good thing i got two 10 HP's here!
Nice work!
larry8200 Posted - 12/20/2011 : 18:22:42
Originally posted by skunkhome

The 12 hp Kohler we had in our 312d was a real dog. Could not keep pace with my old 10 hp Briggs in my B10 and couldn't keep exhaust valves in it.

Yeh, thes old round hoods have to be the hardest working, toughest tractors to ever be called a 10 horse.
skunkhome Posted - 12/20/2011 : 17:58:31
The 12 hp Kohler we had in our 312d was a real dog. Could not keep pace with my old 10 hp Briggs in my B10 and couldn't keep exhaust valves in it.
larry8200 Posted - 12/20/2011 : 17:52:09
Originally posted by freddie

i am thinking the 7112h did some heavy partying the night before and just gut sick of being plowed. and puked all over every thing.

You may be right, The tractor has been "chopped" at some point, and I am almost certain the seller was a dealer who took the tractor on a bad debt. Among other things the hydro was filled with 90 wt. gear oil when I got it. LOL

Redefines dont ask, dont tell, sold as is, for cash in hand.
freddie Posted - 12/20/2011 : 17:41:33
i am thinking the 7112h did some heavy partying the night before and just gut sick of being plowed. and puked all over every thing.
larry8200 Posted - 12/20/2011 : 17:37:40
Originally posted by Talntedmrgreen

That sure is one heck of a prime specemin! I take it your opinion of Kohlers has not improved?

I love the Kohler CH-18 V-twin in my 2000 Sovereigns, and the Magnums are a nice engine, but my expereince with any engines with the model number starting with "K" has been kind of poor. And then there is the dreaded "Triad".....

Of course the Cub Cadet people around here pay big $$$ for K series blocks without holes in them, so there is a siver lining.... :)

I was kind of thinking of putting the engine from that T-16 in my 7112H before the K301 blows, but I am going to get the Homelite running before I make that decision.

I found the crank seal in the drive and its a standard automotive seal, and I stopped running the Kohler while there was still oil showing on the dipstick. No damage done and an easy fix

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